My July drawings in steemit By RaN
Qui potete trovare My June drawings in steemit By RaN
Volevo fare un riepilogo del mio mese di luglio su steemit, quindi fare questo post con tutti i disegni ..... Solo dipinti nuovi
I wanted to make a summary of my month of July on steemit, then do this post with all the drawings
Only new paintings
I lavorii sono messi in ordine cronologico con il loro relativo link e nome....
The jobs are placed in chronological order with their relative link and name
Drawing the number 9
Tupac Shakur
Sketch spray Paint Caps
Sketch graffiti Kore By Ran
Rapid paint Yellow-banded poison dart frog (Dendrobates leucomelas
Sketch photographic film
Rapid sketch - Bee
Drawing the number 8 by Ran
Maggiolino giallo sketch
My study of letters Ran
My study letters Ran Part 2 Mod.
Sketch skull -Ran-
Drawing the number 7
Sketch Weed part 2
Rapid sketch Zippo
Drawing of an old telephone
Sketch brass knuckles
Study letters - Kore of Ran
Drawing a butterfly
Sketch graffiti Kore
My drawing Reebok Pump
Sketch Jaguar
Study letters - Ran Part9999999
Drawing the number 6
Rapid sketch- Lighter-
Fine... fiuuuu...
All works and photos are my property
La canzone di oggi