Sketching Santorini: Oia 圣托里尼



圣托里尼岛是希腊最独特的岛屿之一,大多数游客忽略了它是火山的事实。这是地中海最强大的火山口。 3600年前发生的爆炸可能改变了那个时代的文明:强大的米诺斯帝国在克里特岛上消失。 (当我们到达克里特岛时,我会讲述故事,是的,我们也参观了克里特岛,还有许多希腊最着名的岛屿)。

当我们抵达圣托里尼时,渡轮码头靠近费拉。两个最着名的城镇是费拉和伊亚北部。两者都位于悬崖顶端,实际上是青铜时代火山的火山口边缘。两座城镇的景色壮观,沿着斜坡,渡船和大型邮轮漂亮的房屋,以及在你面前的港口悬崖,深蓝色的地中海,湛蓝的天空。当然,最重要的事情是在Fira 或 Oia观看的日落。它会被刻在你的记忆中很长一段时间(如果不是终身的话)。

My Sketch: Oia, Santorini.

Santorini is one of the most unique island in Greece, Most tourists ignore the fact that t is a volcano. The island is just the remains of the most powerful eruption in this region, which happened 3600 years ago and probably changed the civilization of that time: the powerful Minoan Empire in Crete. (When we come to Crete eventually, I will tell that story then, yes, we were there in Crete too and well as most of the famous islands in Greece.)

As we arrived to Santorini, the ferry port is near Fira, at the foot of the cliff. The two most famous town is Fira and Oia to the north. Both are top of the cliff, which actually is the caldera of the volcano eruption in the Bronze Age. The views from either town is spectacular, as you can see the cascading houses following the slope, the harbor straight down with ferries and large cruise ships at the port, the deep blue Mediterranan sparking before you, and the clear blue sky above. Of course the most remarkable event is to watch the sunset in Fira or Oia. It will be etched in your memory for a long time, if not life-long.

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