Drawing Challenge#2 木棉花 Cotton Flower

This is my entry of @helene 's Drawing Challenge #2, and the flower I chose is Bombax Ceiba (Cotton Tree). I like this flower very mush, almost the most favourite. Cotton flower blossom around March to May in Hong Kong. Starts from March, and the cotton capsules ripe at late April to May.

The red colour of the flowers is very impactive to me and I like the scene of floating cotton. It makes me recall many. Like sitting in the classroom and the cotton landed on my desk. I would keep it in my pencil case. While walking or sitting in park, the falling cotton like snow, or looks like after a pillow battle; neighbours dried up the flowers for medicine use; hit by the falling heavy flowers, etc.

Actually I decided to draw many other flowers. I wanted to draw a real flower rather then only searching on the internet. I went to flower market. I saw many beautiful flowers but at the end my mind is still occupied by cotton flower. (Well, still a lovely day in flower market). Finally I could only draw with photo as reference. The only scene can be seen in specific time in a year. May be cotton tree is my nostalgia. Cotton tree has another name, "Hero Tree". Full bloom looks like burning, passionate and strong. After the bear fruit, it touches people with the soft and light cotton. This contrast is so attractive.

This time I still stick with watercolor. Usually I draw illustration with wood made paper and water brush. For painting, I change to watercolour brush and cotton paper(what a interesting coincidence). Watercolour brush is easier to control the water volume with pigment, and cotton paper can afford heavy water and durable for brushing then wooden paper.

這是參加 Helene的Drawing Challenge #2的作品。我選的是木棉花。在香港,它大概於三至五月開花,到四月底至五月結果。果實裂開後,棉花帶著種子隨風四散。




Tools 工具

Watercolor : Van Gogh half pan / Paper : Saunders Waterford, Rough, 300gsm, 100% cotton, mould made
Color used : Yellow light,Vermillion, Permanent Red Light, Madder Lake Deep, Prussian Blue, Payne Grey

Process 過程

Practice 練習:

I wanted to draw it moody and the strong image of cotton flower. I am a fan of Yuko Nagayama. This is a imitation of her style which is too fit with my idea. I practised and here is some tests. The square one is the first try. I tried to overlay the color layer like Nagayama. But failed. One of the reason is that she uses many color and with different objects and different colours for details, but I only choose one main object and I chose the pigments of red, yellow and black only. I don't want to add other colors which will lower the impact….

Draft 起稿

Start with background and the light yellow layer for petals foundation.

I draw the side flowers with fewer details and let the pigments spread to make it hazel and blur.

Then, filling the main flowers. I failed in the first try, I overlaid 2 layers only for the petals.

Finish the basic petals drawings

The stem. I used payne grey and little bit prussian. High contrast is what I want. Draw stamens by adding red between the gaps.

More dark in the background to highlight the main flowers. Watercolour goes dark is the rule. The brightest is plain paper.

Spread a little bit red in the background and petals. Only gradient is a bit dull. But just little, no repeat the former failure. And the stigma!

I enjoy the process very much although it was unexpected time consuming. How to blur it nice; balance between the simple and details. I tended to add many details while drawing. This is a challenge for me to draw lesser but expressive. (Less is more?). Hope you enjoy this painting. And lastly, thank you Helene for organizing this contest. (edit : also thank you @deanliu as guest judge)

我很享受畫的過程,縱使比想像中花時間和有難度(是我輕敵了)。模糊得好看也是個學問;靜物細節去蕪存菁等。我有越畫越多枝節的毛病,有時變得畫蛇添足,所以這次是一個很好的練習。希望你喜歡這次的作品,也謝謝Helene舉辦這個比賽~(edit : 也謝謝Dean姐評審)

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