Drawing Challenge #7 - My Two Wine Glasses Story

I want to thank @helene for organizing the drawing challenge and I express my entry to the contest with this post.

I have recently picked up pencil and paper to draw after quite a long time and I am experimenting and learning the art of art. I am entering the drawing challenge for this week themed “Two Wineglasses” organized by @helene with this post as my first entry and with this opportunity I would like to say few words of my alcohol journey.

But first, the final proceed of my first attempt for the Drawing Challenge.


My story of Two Wine Glasses

On May, 2007 at Sydney, Australia, I was just 19 and had never tried alcoholic beverage. The first sip of alcoholic beverage for me was wine, a red, I don't quite remember but I think it was a Shiraz. It was sweet and spicy, nothing like I had tasted before that, I immediately fell in love with that drink. I had about two glasses that evening which made me a little tipsy.

The journey of alcohol started that evening and it took me to cases of beers, bottles and bottles of whiskey and vodka, a few glasses of gin and barrels of wine. Maybe because of the first taste, Shiraz was my favourite but later explored lots of reds, whites and rosé. I was probably lucky or something, later on, I happened to work at a wine bar at place called “The Winery” at Surry Hills where I got chance to learn a lot about wines and other alcoholic beverages.

I said “Shiraz was my favourite” earlier because now I've left drinking every type of alcoholic beverages. The reason, are many, I've made lots of mistakes just because of the way I've drunk. I was carefree then, I was bursting with energy and could take any damage that could hit me.

But now, since my father passed away two years ago and brought me the responsibilities of my family. I have got an old mother and an unmarried sister to take care of. Thereby, How can I get drunk and fulfill my duties and responsibilities? How can I know what is happening around me when I am intoxicated with alcohol? Someone may say “a sip won't hurt” but that sip was the first culprit, wasn't it? or perhaps a habit, after all, seeking peace through a liquid that intoxicates us to unconsiousness, the more the better, isn't it?

Now, I can't afford to be unconsious, I can't afford to make mistakes. Therefore, I drew a glass standing with wine, a red and a glass fallen down, the drink spilled. It depicts my past and the present which will deliver my future. I've let the drink spill and won't pick up a glass until the responsibilities taken care of, my habit of over drinking controlled and mistakes kept at bay.

Finally, I would like to show the process of drawing as per the requirement of the contest. It took about three evenings with an hour or two each. I think that is a lot of time consumed for the wok done but after all I'm starting what I left years ago and hopefully the viewers will understand.


Inking the borders



The tools I used for the drawing are drawing paper, graphite pencils, color pens, highlighter pens, eraser and sharpner.

Thank you for viewing my work.

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