Dream Diary - 2/3/18

Afternoon Everyone,

I fell asleep last night watching a film. I did eat my weights worth of chocolate though. I would have thought that would keep me up all night, but it sent me off to sleep! Either that or the film was boring. Here are my dreams from last night.

Friday 2nd March 2018

I dreamed I was booked in to go under the knife for liposuction. I am not a large person and I wouldn’t be accepted for lipo anyway. I was on the bed in the theatre and a lady was talking to me about putting me to sleep. Then the injection happened and I didn’t go to sleep! I was awake during the procedure! I tried to move my body or scream to let them know I was awake, but I couldn’t move! I could hear the surgeon talking though what he was doing to me. I felt sick!

Then I dreamed I was in my car. I was down a country lane and it was daytime. My husband was in my car with me as well as my neighbour. I was in the driving seat with the car stationary and said ”I really want to eat my hummus!” I got out of the car and went to the boot to get the hummus. I saw a large chunk of meat. It was the size of a brick and looked like dog food! I had no idea what that was doing there! Then my neighbour asked me ”What’s all the fuss about hummus?”

Finally, I dreamed I was in my bedroom and there were white polystyrene balls everywhere. It looked like a bean bag had exploded! It was all mixed in with cat hair and dust. There was an oscillating desk fan and it kept blowing the bits everywhere!

Well Steemit, the first part of the dream wasn’t nice. I would hate to be awake for an operation. I think it happens in real life for some people. I’m just glad my experience was just a dream. I do like hummus but I’m not that much of a fan. I’ll eat it when there is nothing else in the house. It’s definitely not one I would put at the top of my food list, that’s for sure! I don’t know why I dreamed about the balls and the dust on the floor. I am a neat freak, so there is no way I would ever let my house get to that state! I wonder why I dreamed it? Who knows!!

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary


28/2/18 | 27/2/18 | 26/2/18 | 25/2/18 | 24/2/18 | 23/2/18 | 22/2/28 | 21/2/18 | 20/2/18 | 19/2/18 | 18/2/18 | 17/2/18 | 16/2/18 | 15/2/18 | 14/2/18 | 13/2/18 | 12/2/18 | 11/2/18 | 10/2/18 | 9/2/18 | 8/2/18 | 7/2/18 | 6/11/18 | 5/2/18 | 4/2/18 - Part 2 | 4/2/18 - Part 1 | 2/2/18 | 1/2/18 - Part 2 | 1/2/18 - Part 1

30/1/18 | 29/1/18 | 28/1/18 - Part 2 | 28/1/18 - Part 1 | 26/1/18 | 25/1/18 | 24/1/18 | 23/1/18 | 22/1/18 | 21/1/18 | 20/1/18 | 19/1/18 | 18/1/18 - Part 2 | 18/1/18 - Part 1 | 17/1/18 | 16/1/18 - Part 2 | 16/1/18 - Part 1 | 15/1/18 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 14/1/18 | 13/1/18 - Part 2 | 13/1/18 - Part 1 | 12/1/18 - Part 2 | 12/1/18 - Part 1 | 11/1/18 - Part 2 | 11/1/18 - Part 1 | 10/1/18 | 9/1/18 - Part 2 | 9/1/18 - Part 1 | 8/1/18 | 7/1/18 | 6/1/18 | 5/1/18 | 4/1/18 - Part 2 | 4/1/18 - Part 1 | 3/1/18 | 2/1/18 - Part 2 | 2/1/18 - Part 1 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 1/1/18 New Years Day

2017 Dreams

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