Why should we drink lemon water every morning


If you are looking for an easy way to improve your life and health overall, you are in the right place. Drinking lemon water early in the morning is a pretty simple routine that you can start and will have a huge effect on your overall health.

Since I started this simple and surprisingly healthy habit a few years ago, I definitely notice a difference. Not only does the refreshing taste awaken me early in the morning, but it also helps me to start digestion and finalize the natural detoxification processes in my body.

Also, lemons are full of vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants, and fiber.

According to Ayurveda's philosophy, the choices we make in our everyday lives either build resistance to illness or worsen health. So do not wait anymore, but start your day with this incredibly easy morning routine.

Its benefits are endless and in this article, I list the 15 most important of them for you.

Improves digestion

Lemon juice has a similar structure of gastric juices and helps loosen and flush toxins from the digestive tract. Lemon juice can help relieve indigestion, stomach acid, and abdominal swelling. С

It also helps to stimulate the intestine early in the morning, hydrates the colon, stimulates the production of bile and infuses water into the stools.

Stimulates the immune system

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and fight colds and flu. But not only vitamin C is important for a well-functioning immune system, iron is another important nutrient, and lemons improve the absorption capacity of more iron than the food we eat.

Hydrate your body

It is important to stay hydrated. Especially during the summer months. Ordinary water is the best, but many people find it boring and do not drink enough of it. This is where the lemon water enters the game to make things more interesting.

So do not hesitate to start your day with lemon water, but if you want to drink as many glasses as possible during the day to stay hydrated.

Strengthens energy

Lemon water gives you an immediate boost of energy and improves mood at the beginning of your day.

Promotes healthy and rejuvenated skin

Lemons are rich sources of antioxidants that prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for premature aging of the skin.

Vitamin C helps maintain the elasticity of your skin to prevent wrinkles and reduce the number of spots on the skin.

Reduces inflammation

Lemons have the ability to remove uric acid from your joints. Accumulation of uric acid is one of the main causes of inflammation.

Helps weight loss

Although lemon water itself is not a miracle for weight loss, it can definitely help you achieve faster and longer-term results.

Lemons help fight starvation, stimulate metabolism and create a sense of satiety, thus reducing the desire for snacks between meals.

Alkalise your body

Although lemons have a sour taste, they are one of the most alkaline sources of food on earth. Too many acids can cause inflammation, obesity and the most common diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's.

Cleansing properties

Lemons help the whole body wash out more toxins to prevent accumulation and damage to your cells, tissues, and organs. They stimulate the liver to produce more enzymes and work more efficiently.

Lemon juice acts as a diuretic to keep the urinary tract free from toxins and can also change the pH level, which discourages bacterial growth.

It is very useful for people who often suffer from urinary tract infections. And as I have already mentioned, lemons loosen and wash away the waste from your digestive tract and cleanse the colon.

Antibacterial and antiviral properties

Lemons have antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help fight flu, colds and soothe sore throats. Although people who drink lemon water daily are less likely to catch these diseases.

Reduce secretions and phlegm

Lemon water helps to reduce the formation of mucus and phlegm. People who drink cow's milk are often more sensitive to secretion.

So starting the day with lemon water can definitely help to reduce the secretion if you are not ready to stop dairy products.

Refresh the breath

Lemons are great for the overall health of the oral cavity, avoid drinking or using undiluted. Citric acid can erode the tooth enamel, so do not wash your teeth with it, but instead, drink a glass of lemon water.

Stimulates the power of the brain

High levels of potassium and magnesium show beneficial effects on the brain and nerve health. Lemon water can give you the push you need to fight depression and stress.

It creates mental clarity and a better focus, making it a great drink for students or people with intense and busy work.

Anticancerogenic action

Antioxidants in lemons not only protect the skin from aging but also reduce the risk of several types of cancer. They are great for neutralizing heartburn. Cancer loves to grow in an acidic environment.

Alkalization of your body can stop the growth of cancer cells and may reduce the risk of developing cancer first.

Get rid of caffeine

Many people are able to stop caffeine by replacing their morning coffee with lukewarm lemon water. It gives you a similar boost of energy as a cup of coffee would give you to awaken your body.

How to make lemon water ?

Making lemon water is very simple. It takes less than 5 minutes of your precious morning time. Simply squeeze half a lemon into the lukewarm water. If you weigh more than 70 pounds, use a whole lemon.

Why use lukewarm (or room temperature) instead of cold or hot water to make this healing morning drink?

Well, hot or cold water takes more energy to process so your first cup of morning should be cool or room temperature to wake your body slowly and trigger digestion.

If you like the taste, add more lemon water to your diet during the rest of the day, cold or hot. It adds to your daily need for water, not as dull as pure water, and adds many benefits to the body and mind.

Thank you for reading it - SuggeElson

Photos: pixabay.com

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