Battle system: Implementing a unique skill for every unit

...And happy he was. With so many plans and ideas, it was hard not to see the excitement on the boss's face. Marty was safer when the boss man was in one of his good mods.

"You see Marty, dreaming big is the key. We can not stop now and we can not stop here." the bazooka man waved goodbye as he was finishing his sentence. That man sure was useful sometimes.

"Oh sh*t, you are bleeding boss. Should I get you something?" Marty was not that good with seeing blood and was seconds away from fainting.

"Not something... Someone. Call BM."


Ready? Something big is coming. With more excitement and more opportunities to show your strategic skills, our next implementation to the game will sure add some additional fun. We have been gathering your ideas and feedback and are very grateful to all of you who are sharing your thoughts with us in comments and in our discord channel.


After Bazooka guy and the Hobo, other units will get their unique skills too. The implementation will happen in a couple of days and there will not be a single unit that does not have something special about it. You will now be able to carefully plan and strategize your fights before starting them. There will be many combinations and possible outcomes, depending on which units are you sending and what units will be waiting for you on your enemy's side.

The simulator will be available soon. You can use it to get accustomed to new fights. Just like before, there will be an old simulator in place with a link to the new one. By using both of them, you can see how the fights will look like and experiment until you figure everything out and get accustomed to units with skills. We suggest you do that before launching a fight so there are no surprises. So many new options in fights will be possible and we are eager to see you showing us your tactical skills.

If you experience any trouble with this new implementation or need more info, we are available in our discord helpdesk channel and will be glad to help in any way we can.


Sure, BM is great with healing and Marty went straight for its phone to call her. As he was dialing her number he could not stop wondering if his boss's injury could have been avoided if their big guy was there to shield him?

For f@ck sake Chains! You startled me. Where did you come from?" sometimes, Chains Block was like a chameleon but that was the main reason he was hired in the first place.

Chains slowly picked up a cigarette out of his jacket and carefully lit it up. The elegance of his movement was remarkable. After inhaling a puff of smoke deep into his lungs, he smiled deviously, raised his left eyebrow and said:

"I have news."

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