70 STEEM giveaway results and... my first drunk post. LOL

Hey guys! I'm a few beers in and not feeling my teeth right now - so please...

Do NOT upvote or I would feel totally guilty about it. This is a junk post on the tail end of a 3-beer night

Man... When did I become a lightweight?

Oh wait...

I was drinking Dirty Bastard.

See? No lie. LOL


I made a promise that I would award 70 STEEM tonight, celebrating my 700+ followers on Steemit!

I tell ya - I'm still floored by the achievement and I am so humbled and happy...and drunk right now. Yeah. I think this might be my first drunk post on Steemit and I'm really okay with that.

Drunk post February 2017 Meredith Loughran
Not feeling my teeth right now - and that's okay too


I was giving away 70 STEEM in a random drawing and the only thing you needed to do for entry was leave a comment on my post. But hey - you snooze you lose but I had

23 participants!

how freakin' AWESOME is that?!?!

And -- because I am hardly impartial (in most cases), I employed the use of Random.org, placing all the names of said participants. And here was the result.

Congratulations @jedau

70 STEEM should be sitting pretty in your wallet.

Gotta get up early and get my 2 mile walk in. I will immediately commence with Water. Advil. Sleep. In that order. G'night bookies!

Have a Steemit day!

100% Steem Power by Meredith Loughran Steemit verified merej99, Meredith Loughran

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