Coffee 'N Crypto | 11th cup

In this DSound exclusive audio, we talk RaiBlocks, DigixDAO, & Aeternity in this 11th Cup of Coffee 'N Crypto.

In an interesting 24 hours of trading, these three cryptocurrencies/blockchains are experiencing significant gains as you see below:


In the DSound exclusive audio, I go more into detail about the following information and more:

RaiBlocks (XRB)

  • uses new technology called block lattice to handle 7000 transactions per second.

  • Instead of a linear blockchain, it's blockchain jumps to 2 or 3 dimensional. Sketch of Raiblocks ordering by one of their developers

    raiblocks develoepr sketch.png

  • If it has been around for a while, why the most recent pump in price?

More information in audio

DigixDAO (DGD)

  • Ethereum's first Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Is it working?
  • DGD vs. DGX. What's the difference?

More information in audio.

Aeternity (AE)

  • a hybrid Proof of Work and Proof of Stake smart contract platform
  • can mine using your smartphones. How come?
  • the token AE is the "fuel" for the Aeternity network

More information in audio

Hope this DSound audio helps provide value to you while you navigate this cryptospace.

Other Cups in this Series:

Much love and appreciation for your time and attention.


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