Introducing ME!

What's up everybody, my name is Doc, and I'll be posting music and videos from time to time here.

There's a little bit you might want to know about me first though, like my history in almost every aspect video production, my cool career as a video dude and my raging monstrous uncontrollable urge to make music and watch movies. Oh, well, that about summed it up.

I'm sure we'll get to know each other better over time, for now I leave you with this: last year I turned 30. Which, honestly, I don't care much about. I'm more distinguished or some shit. I also, felt that I had learned some shit over the years, and I put it in song. Hard song. Threw together a beat and released it over my birthday.

Feel free to comment (and share). There's a few bad words in there. You just got warned.

Also, a friend of mine recommended I upload @dsound. Seems pretty cool so far.

Catch y'all real soon and we'll dive in to the nitty gritty details of things about things with other... things.

Peace out!


Verse 1
I've had many revelations over many years /
Some facts you can accept / some will make you live in fear /
still looking / Never sure I'll find my place here /
It's degradation of my own mind that I fear /

I see the news / watch a clip / do I really care? /
Sometimes it feels like I'm just biding my time here /
days go by and my grind / it never lacks gears /
I'm in it for the thrills / fuck it if the crowd cheers /

Being ill is a sick industry to max feeble /
false portrayals in media somehow that's legal /
I read these fat cats like a fat book about fat people /
Not all but most of these corporations are fucking evil /

I like the feel of alcohol when it eats through my chest/
I like to put holes in doors n walls n then i forget/
I like the feeling of swollen knuckles and cashed cheques /
keep on with no regrets and still demand respect /

Verse 2
grew up with hollow pockets and still would walk tall /
I got fat eating free dhal from out the mamak stall /
couldn't work the school system / didn't fit at all /
so I jacked a lotta knowledge that would take me very far /

I never licked from the poor / was hitting corporations /
knowledge of book stores / stole me an education /
Skill my way through college post menengah graduation /
with odd jobs building character while I was waiting /

Until the valley of minds where loyalties lied /
I tried and I cried / I gave it all til I almost fuckin died /
Scribbles and lines / in time / grew them beats into rhymes /
Not even high /got lost in my own state of mind /

a state of decline / the future looked like 'matter of time' /
I try to unwind / the past always seemed so sublime /
now try to rewind / not every day was full good times /
still us Gills pull through / one day at a rhyme / fuckers /

Verse 3
Advice / Listen, not sleeping can make you go insane /
I love the darkest nights / But not everybody can be Bane /
Knowledge / You must follow before you plan to lead /
A lack of loyalty leads to unnecessary casualties /

You're not above / We're all guilty of some shit /
some sort of dumb shits / Pobody's nerfect /
Humility can unleash inner abilities /
Autodidacts never have to pay an entry fee/

The world's a stage / as long as you getting paid/
Stay enraged / sometimes hate has a way to motivate /
Fear will give you wings / it's time to embrace/
Turn the page / last lines of advice that come with age /

The friends you thought you had would slowly dissipate away /
And as the mist fades you will clearly see the ones who stayed /
the ones with roots that would reach deeper than your future grave /
Y'all know who you are Doc don't need to drop any fuckin' names /

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