MikeTV2 - Beat Battle Round #4 Entry

First off huge shoutout to the incredible and relentless team of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @beatseb, and @derekmiller! You guys are leading some rad initiatives on here for all of us musicians and it is much appreciated!!

That being said, this is my first entry for the Beat Battle League and I am so stoked to be here, both listening and sharing my creation! This track is called MikeTV and was based off a few old school samples I found and treated. The choirs in the beginning are from an old indian movie, and the vibes def elicited some old school feels in me as well. It tells the story of the pressures of growing up, as most kids transition from their childhood into adulthood. They keep asking and asking to be given adult privileges and to be treated above their age. What's the hurry? lol They only realize this once they get older and instead reminisce on their childhood instead(the whole outro section which feels alot more vulnerable than the aggressive first part). Life is so backwards sometimes!

Thanks again for hosting such a dope contest! Good luck to all other contestants! Looking forward to listening to everyone else's entries!! We got a rad community of artists here!

The Infamous IT

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