Life lessons by joelgonz1982

Our actions, behaviors and behaviors have their consequences in the wheel of life. Both the good moments and the bad moments we experience are important, they are life lessons that will urge us to mature, grow and be better people. Of course, as long as we know how to get the right match.

The phrase "everyone has what he deserves" can be understood based on those consequences that our actions have. We can believe in this well-known and popular phrase when the deserved is positive. But the question arises when what we "deserve" and what life gives us are adverse circumstances, which entail suffering, changes, and misfortunes.

"Life has good and bad moments. The good is enjoyed and the bad is learned "


 So, based on the above, everything that happens to us obeys the consequences of our actions? I dare to say that "everyone has what they need". Sometimes, we need to see directly the consequence of a "malicious" act. And on many other occasions, what happens to us, has a motive for learning, "we need to learn".

That can be the explanation of so many things that happen to us in life, that we will not relate to a previous behavior 

"insane, incorrect, inadequate or malicious", but that originate reactions that impel us to say "why do I deserve this? Is it that I have done something wrong? " Thus, "

Everyone has what they need to learn. "

An example of this may be when we are in a toxic relationship. The people around us tell us that our partner does not suit us, that he is hurting us, but we do not realize it. We believe that our discussions are natural and that what the other person tells us, forgives any act that is left alone inside.

However, one day we discover that he has been unfaithful and our whole world is collapsing. We have not done anything wrong, but we have needed this test to end a relationship that was not benefiting us. Therefore, instead of a misfortune it can be considered an opportunity to open your eyes, make a decision and a new direction. This is how life lessons work.

"Nothing bad goes away from our life until it teaches us what we need to learn"


And under this premise, the question that can be asked in all the moments in which life surprises us with adverse circumstances is: What do I have or can I learn from all the life lessons that have been put before me? In this way, we will see life, as a SCHOOL, full of lessons, and at each step, a difficulty, an examination, a circumstance that puts us to the test.

Our challenge is to overcome the lesson, to move forward, having learned and prepared for the next lessons that are sure to come. I add then that, "we are prepared for what we have to live, we have the skills and strategies to overcome it and grow with it, we just have to learn", we call this "resilience".

And although this sounds hard and difficult, as much as we learn and overcome the lessons of life, as much as we will enjoy and feel satisfied with ourselves and with our lives. Because the lessons of life, is life understood as a School, where we can learn, overcome lessons, teach others, learn from what others teach us, raise levels of consciousness, heal and awaken to the deepest of our Being.

"Life has no meaning, you give it to you, with what you do, with what you love, with your illusions. You build the universe to your needs "

All this, adapted to our vital moment, always with the objective, to find the meaning of our life, harmony in our way of living, health, well-being, emotional balance and happiness. Life is not our enemy, it is always our friend. Although the lessons it offers us to learn always have a very bitter part.

                      " In life there are wonderful moments that 

                        you should know how to take advantage

                              of take advantage of the moment 

                                       in life only you live once"

                  All images were taken from "Google Image"


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