Morning Miracle

I noticed people with great content

have a morning routine and meditative journal time. This is true in history with Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, John Quincy Adams (More than 14,000 pages at the Massachusetts Historical Society). Great writers on Steemit I like to read have a daily routine and morning meditation. When I read posts from @d-pend, @awakentolife, @theleapingkoala and @coachjj I can see they have consistent quiet time.


The Oriental Medicine doctor asked me,

“What is the first thing you do when you get up?”

Oh no, he caught me! The first thing I do when I get up is look at my cell phone. I had a good habit of posting here once a day but a bad habit of posting at night time so I would be curious about the result of the post first thing when I woke up. Also because of time zone differences the writers I enjoy reading are most active between 4am and 1pm Korean time. I was caught up with the flow without getting myself in tune first.

I want to restore my daily routine again. It begins with a simple Yoga exercise called the Sun salutation. I don’t follow the same words as the Yoga chants but I recite the Lord’s Prayer as I breathe. After that I read a passage directly from the Bible and write about it verse by verse.

Today's passage is 1 Samuel 2:1-11. It is a prayer from Hannah. She suffered from the taunting of other women because she did not bore a child when others had given seven sons. Today it's not such a disgrace but at that time a woman was deeply wounded by empty womb. This woman Hannah in particular was provoked by others and was in anguish of soul. When she prayed she was moving her lips but no words were coming out. The priest thought she was drunk but she was pouring her heart out. Her prayer moves me and moved God. After her prayer was answered she didn't stop praying for the Lord gave life in a womb that was dead giving hope and life for a nation to be raised from the grave.

Listen to me read the poem here @dsound:

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Original Poem @mineopoly

Morning Miracle

How fragile is life?
If she could give her own she would,
For the child welcoming her deep embrace.
To suckle the infant in her bosom,
This delight of the world
Was not her own to be held.

But why do mockers scoff?
Old Mother Hubbard and those seven dwarfs.
The poor hire themselves out for food,
Their voices go unheard from the ashes.

Lips moving but no voice heard.
In anguish and grief she pours out her soul.
Who knows the grief and pain
A barren woman carries in her womb?

A mother’s unspoken prayer echoes to the highest heavens.
There His voice thunders from heaven and gives strength to the weak.
His voice thunders justice to the ends of the earth.
The warriors’ weapons are broken and the wicked silenced are at a loss.

A miracle happens, new life brought
Awakens the heart of barren women to rejoice!
A dead womb is alive and a child kicks inside.
A nation brought down to the grave now raises up to life.

This child was not her own to cherish,
To hold and embrace is only grace.
A greater joy to be held,
Weaned and trusted to the Lord
A shepherd for Kings and prophet of the word.

Verse of the Day/ 1 Samuel 2:11

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap."

Mineopoly Quote:

Don't waste your time here. Use it wisely.

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QTTA (Question to think about)

What is your morning routine?

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