I think one of the most unexpectedly funny Movies of my Childhood was Mars Attacks....So Over the top, but Watching it as an Adult I realized how ACCURATE the portrayal of Colonialism was....

There was something human in the actions of the Martians. Something almost uncanny in its portrayal of cold hearted murder without remorse for something it deemed below them. An Air of Arrogance and entitlement that was so prevalent in those who think World Domination is their Goal. As a kid I even remember being creeped out to a degree and subconsciously fearful of these Goofy Martians. I know realize this mixture of emotions I had about this movie was the Entire Perceptional truth about our concept of space.

The Burden of the Enormity of Space truthfully is so enigmatic it can fit all our fears and still be vast enough to not be consumed by them. The infinite possibilities we see when looking towards the stars is the definition of Hope & Fear. Darkness & Light.

I Think the Idea of Aliens in itself starts at the choice to believe they exist or not. Something that simple says alot about your imagination. What's very telling is your Conclusion on the perception of their role and temperament. How you imagine aliens says a lot about you as a person. To Me the idea of Aliens and Space (Stars) in themselves are a Rorchact Test. What You Believe Space is never wrong how can anyone be wrong their are infinite possibilities beyond the gravitational pull of this planet. For instance the creator of Mars Attacks has a very bleak view of Society, honestly they sort of Despise us as a species. Its apparent in the comedic ignorance of the human characters and the stupidity of the human race so well satire in the film. The Aliens speak to how the writer sees power and his own fear of revenge upon mankind for all the atrocities of civilization.

People who see Aliens as benevolent beings are usually the same kind who embrace their place in the world. They don't fear the power of others. They are usually the non-violent type. The type who believes in abductions usually have trust issues due either to an outside force, some type of Trauma or again so type of shadiness that they themselves have perpetrated.

Do Aliens Exist. I say the chances of Main Sequence Stars like our own producing life is as about as probable as our own existence. So in some form beings not of earth exist. Their in my humble opinion is life beyond this rock we all float in space on. Maybe one day Ill share with you all what I think that looks like. Until Then....



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