"Too Many Selfies" - D-TUBE EXCLUSIVE MUSIC VIDEO - Steem Collab w/@geekgirl | Gnash Song Challenge #7

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Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED - see end of post for all official entrants and upcoming episode 1 songs :)

Too Many Selfies - Song Title by @geekgirl | Music and Lyrics by @carlgnash

1/2 the liquid SBD payout of this post will go to @geekgirl, so please show your support! @geekgirl is awesome, a terrific curator, fantastic artist and better person. I am proud to call you my friend, @geekgirl <3

Previous Gnash Song Challenge Entries:

#1 - "Analyze My Function" w/@vachemorte


#2 - "Within Wing's Wind" w/@yahialababidi


#3 - "Big Brown Toad" w/@amberyooper


#4 - "Ode to my Crawdad" w/@dillemma


#5 - "Funk Your Feet" w/@limabeing


#6 - "To Leave a Dying World" w/@calluna


Visit the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 post to see the final list of Episode 1 official entrants. I am going to make a song for every commenter who provided song lyrics, a song title or song prompt before the submissions were closed. Episode 1 will have 14 songs when all is sung and done! In no particular order, the remaining awesome participants in the Gnash Song Challenge Episode 1 are:


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