We have a lot of interesting dtubers and creative people on steem blockchain. I am thinking about making a movie for @dtube where everybody can participate. Each member can record his part and send me the link of the video after uploading it on google drive. I will combine all the videos together and we will have an awesome film in the end. The video will be uploaded to @dcoopertion account, so the reward will go to the community to power up. We will always use that account to create interesting content and always power up and then we use that account to upvote more dtube's video.
In the video I interviewed @clixmoney lol ☺, the guy who is curating the content created by the members of @dcooperation , you can join us if you support us somehow. Usually our rules to join are to make an introduction video welcoming the community and to make a mutual video with one of our members.
But in this case you can join if you record a video for us, telling what you think about @dtube in 3 words. For example my entry ''Dtube is motivation, creation, community''. So first record a video saying that about dtube and send me the little video in discord. You can find me there as @clixmoney. Or in our discord server : https://discordapp.com/invite/qH8tDtx
All the videos will be combined and I will make an interesting video and upload it in @dcooperation . That will be our first film.
Then we can make a scenario and each member will take his role, so we will make a longer and better movie. We can even make it like TV show or series. We have so many talanted creators, so let's do something great together. ☺
▶️ DTube