Good Morning with the Chimes of Europe! :) 歐洲悠揚的鐘聲祝您早安!

Good morning Steemians!

This video combines three clips of mine shot during my Europe trip in May. You may refer to #myeuropaplog for some of my photo sharing posts. To me, the chimes have always been a very classic symbol of Europe and that why I recorded these clips. We also have chimes from our local temples, but those are deeper - so more solemn, less vigorous ...

The places included in this video are - The Blue Church in Bratislava, Slovakia and The Stephansplatz in Vienna, Austria. Both cities are lovely and enjoyable.

Wish you a lovely morning!


各位早啊!最近偷懶都在玩影片處理,剛好過去的歐洲行旅照片分享其實都欠缺影像部分,前兩天上傳了一個,今天再把三段合一,讓大家享受一下歐洲悠揚的教堂鐘聲... 開啟美好的一天以及.... 嘿嘿!周末在即了~~~~

拍攝地點是斯洛伐克首都布拉提斯拉瓦的藍色教堂(請 @joythewanderer留言補一下你之前的介紹吧!怎麼樣我出奇招改影片了 _)以及維也納的史蒂芬大教堂廣場。前一個城市如果是小家碧玉,後面這個大名鼎鼎的維也納可就是大家閨秀了。兩個都值得去,但維也納需要至少兩倍的時間喔!其實都不夠啦,太好玩了,我還要再去的~~~~

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