Holiday Warmth

After all the morning festivities and a ferry trip into town to visit Grandpa and Tanta, the house is once again quiet. While the daughters are down for their much needed naps I get to sit in front of this warm fire. As the flames dance and the wood crackles I gaze into the embers with warm face and heart. This is the time I get to reflect on the joys and beauty of life. A simple chemical reaction that causes this warm glow brings my mind back into our shared genetic memory. The noise of the world fades into the background and my soul is transported to a place of communal knowledge. That of a realm that knows not the bounds of time, a realm that is shared by the past and the present - as we understand it in a simplified way. It is a place of peace and tranquility where you have an intuitive knowledge that all is right and all is well. The struggles of this world mean little when we shed these bodies and join the realm of the timeless. Where ancestors dance around an eternal flame knowing no other reality than the peace and love we strive for in this life.

I hope all of you are having a joyous time filled with light, warmth, love and peace with those you cherish.

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