Anarchapulco gets Forked! Official Anarchaforko Trailer #1

The idea for this video was born when John read my draft of what we’ve dubbed the whitepaper for the Anarchapulco Fork we’ve been calling Anarchaforko. He determined it was fine, but that we needed a video to go along with it and he was right.

It took several months of coordination from people who honestly have little experience with this stuff. I tried to pawn off the writing of the script to @modprobe as he had agreed to use his voice for the narration. That video ended up sounding like a real estate ad for lack of a better way of putting it and while it got a good point across it wasn’t what we were going for.

I contacted @erikaharris about the script as she’s a freelance writer by trade and has had a passion for the fork since we first announced it. She ended up not being able to finish it to the extent to which she wanted in the time she wanted but what she came back to me with was awesome and I only found myself needing to add more details to what she gave me.

It was true collaboration and the collaboration kept happening when we asked her to do the voice over. While she didn’t end up being the end voice for this video @erikaharris contributed a lot to this so she’s definitely worth mentioning.

This was a collaborative effort of many people at this point with two attempts and this one just being awesome. It only needed a few changes and now it’s ready to share with all of you. For those interested in reading the script, here it is:

In 2014, Anarchapulco was born. Anarchists gathered from all over the world, met in Acapulco, Mexico, and started a yearly tradition of building freedom, friendships… and, most recently, forks.

We love and support what’s been created. And we also expect a conference for anarchists, to be a little more anarchistic, more organic.

If we truly decentralized all the knowledge among us, there’d be no “celebrity speakers.” We’d ALL shine and share.

That’s the intent of Anarchaforko… to provide valuable information, without hierarchy… and to make THE HUMAN CONNECTIONS the main thing, because that’s what it’s always been about. The magic in this thing is in the people who come and become involved and just how involved you become is up to you.

There’s one key to this puzzle that is necessary, and that is the location of the main bay of Acapulco. The idea is to take full advantage of our gorgeous, tropical setting here, and unique venues. There exists a natural atmosphere within the bay that is just more anarchistic, free and human than any other place we’ve experienced, even within Mexico.

Many people left the conference last year craving what they were missing here in the main bay. We intend to highlight what it has to offer for everyone from tourist to possible new movers. This will happen over the several weeks just after the Anarchapulco conference next February. Bring the anarchists back to the bay and see what happens as people gather for user generated events, seminars and parties.

We want to be clear, this is a DIY sort of conference, in which if you want to see it a reality you must do it yourself. Our job is to provide fertile ground to help your idea sink roots and grow.

What experience do you want to HAVE at Anarchaforko? That’s the perfect one for you to CREATE! Send us your brief description of what you’d like to do, and what you think you need to pull it off. We will do whatever we can to help make it happen. Have ideas for this thing? The best way to get started is to start posting about what you could see it looking like, from the big picture concept down to specific events.

What do you want out of Acapulco and your time here? To learn more about cryptocurrencies and blockchains? To consider moving out of the country? Cheap tacos and strip clubs? How about a Steem event in Acapulco? The idea is for you to get what you need and want out of this experience by being given the atmosphere and ability to just take it. This is a real experiment at anarchy in action, are you ready for it?

Stay tuned for the white paper which needs updating and editing before posting!

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