Up - close and personal with a Wild Bird for 30 minutes

It is not always a very pleasant thing to be trolled, but what about when it involves a bird

Now you are thinking, how is that even possible? You should know I was of the same mind, until early morning today, when I had a strange but ultimately very amusing experience which saw me get up-close and personal with a wild bird.

Early morning I left for one of the nearby restaurants to have breakfast. But you know me and birds.

So somewhere along the way, I see this yellow spotted bird up on an electric wire line. Quickly I reach for my phone but it is so far away up, averagely 30 meters up, and my phone, a Tecno J8, 13.0 mega pixels cannot give me a clear photo of it.

Reluctantly, I take one photo. Not so impressed with its quality, and unable to help it, I continue on my way and enter the restaurant.

Once inside, I take to my favorite spot, to the table somewhere in the far window side. There I set my computer, meaning to shortly get down to some steeming. Today I am here way much earlier.

I am in deed the first customer. So after setting my computer, I leave for the counter to make my order, and immediately return to my table.

But guess what next I see flapping wings up on my chair? A bird. And I would be dammed if it is not the same bird whose photo I had tried to take earlier on. The same size, the same color and tint! Basically the same features.

Right on my chair!

Whether it is the same bird or a look-alike is frankly not important now. and I am like, Oh my! Mesmerized for the first few minutes,, it is a while before it occurs to me, I need to capture this moment. It must be, after all, for the same reason that this sweetie has trolled me.

This time up-close, there is now way I am going to miss taking clear photos. Such is my excitement, but it is shortly stemmed! Apparently, we first need to make acquaintance.

Just a moment away from taking my first photo the bird flies away from my chair and up to loiter the ceiling board, eluding me every time again when I come up-close. It is more like a courtship, and the bird will play hard-to-catch.

Flying away!

After over 10 minutes of playing hide and seek as the little bird keeps shifting places, I realize taking a clear photo is going to be a very big challenge. So I decide taking a video is my best bet.

That too is not so straight forward, and takes a lot of shifting places.

But as with every courtship, the time for acceptance and trust finally comes. And out of the blue, the bird finally lands and rests on the tiled floor. I have to admit it must in part be due to fatigue. Our over 10 minute play has left even me catching my breath!

But can you believe? It Is very comfortable with me up-close and moving all around it to take pictures from every angle.

Yes, It basically allows me to come to it

From the front and take a picture

First the front view!

To stop by at the side, and take a picture

Now the Side view!

To round it to the back and take a picture

And finally the back view

But the photo show rendezvous finally comes to an end, and my little friend flies away up and back to the window.

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Time to take leave

Apparently it is time to return home!

But that won’t be easy. Shifting from the vanes to the window pail, it looks for its way out, obstructed by the transparent glass.

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Obstructed by the glass

I wish I could help my friend take its leave, but the more I come close, the more it flaps its wings as if to say, stay back!

So for a while I just leave it there trying its way to the outside, which the glass shows so clearly and yet blocks it from doing. Finally it runs out of all options, and I see it take a rest.

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Out of options

That is when I decide it is time to kindly by force take charge if I am to save my friend who has been so kind to bless me with some photos. It is over flapping its wings and knocking against the window glass, I much fear it is going to get hurt.

Indeed, it is now trapped between the window supports and the transparent glass.

So finally, with my phone on video mode, I slide the window pane open, and softly grabbing it, quickly show it to the open side and phew, It flies away after nearly half an hour with me!

And what an experience!

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