My Childhood Days in the Home Counties of England, 1966 - The School Fete

This is original unedited digitised cine film footage of my childhood days in the Home Counties, England.

It was filmed at the summer fete of my primary school on 11 June 1966.

Included in this film are :

  • The opening of the fete by a local celebrity. It was supposed to be the BBC newsreader Richard Whitemore but I am sure that is not him in the film. I guess he couldn't make it.

  • Me presenting flowers to two ladies. I then shook hands with the wrong hand!

  • Musical entertainment by a band called The Clarions - I wish I knew what song they were singing.

  • My godmother bowling for a pig.

  • The fancy dress competition including some very politically incorrect costumes (by today's standards).

  • I was Huckleberry Hound in the competition - I think I came first with my partner Yogi Bear.

  • My middle sister in the 'Pick A Pocket' for 6d outfit.

  • The ladies 'Prettiest Ankles' contest.

  • The 'Guess the name of the doll' lady.

  • The book and comic stall.

  • The three winners of the 'Prettiest Ankles' contest.

You can see the previous movies in this series at :

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