The Steem Sister Show - Episode 64 // New Years Resolutions

Welcome to the 64th episode of the Steem Sister Show! (and the final episode for 2018)

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. Two sisters bringing fun content to the Steem blockchain!

Topic of this Episode – New Years Resolutions

As this is the first time the Steem Sister Show has celebrated a new year together - we decided to do an episode all about New Year's Resolutions!

Here are the questions we answered this episode.

  • Do you usually set New Years resolutions?
  • @goldmatters - What do you think about making a resolution every month instead of once a year? Do you think it would be more effective?
  • @goldmatters #2 - Have you ever regretted a resolution you've made?
  • How long do you usually last with your resolutions when you make them?
  • Why does depriving ourselves of something usually make us want it more?
  • Are you going to set any resolutions this year? If so, what are they?
  • Are you making any steem resolutions?

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@coruscate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!

How Does It Work?

We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some Steem??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 Steem!

Next Week’s Topic (Two of them!) : Family Expectations and Relationships with our Cell Phones

Because we did a big Christmas Special earlier in the week - this is the only true episode we are posting this week, and so we are hoping to gather questions for both of them on here!

Family Expectations:

We thought this would be an interesting thing to talk about just coming out of the Holiday season. I know so many people who spend all of their vacation time from work and a ton of money they don't really have - just to travel during the holidays. (aka the most expensive time of the year). Don't get me wrong, there's nothing with this - but so many of these people say they really wish they could just stay home, but they don't want to upset family members.

That's just one example - but you get the jist. We will be chatting all about how family expectations shape our decisions, boundaries we have set etc.

Relationship with Cell Phones:

This episode idea was recently sparked by Mary's fiance having a mini intervention to tell her she's being on her phone way too much. So she's decided to try being on her phone less and it will be interesting to catch up with her and see how that has been going. There is so much to talk about here. Phone addiction, the pros and cons of being constantly connected, if we ever shut our phones off when we are trying to be productive - etc.

So send us your questions for either or both topics! If we choose to answer your question in one of our episodes next week, we will send you 2 steem.

That’s a Wrap!

We really hope you guys enjoyed this episode and we would actually love to hear if you are planning to make any New Years Resolutions. I'm even more curious to know if any of them are Steem related! Look forward to hearing from you guys and we hope you all have a wonderful New Years!

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@coruscate and @maryjaney



Here is a YouTube link for anyone who needs it.

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