Intro to DTube: How Steemit Creators Can Make Money With Video

Intro to DTube: How Steemit Creators Can Make Money With Video

There’s a new kid in town for video enthusiasts. This one is specifically built to work with Steemit and it is wonderful. If you’ve been annoyed or irritated by the censorship that is now on YouTube, you want to check this out. If you want to get paid for videos you produce, like you can get paid for written content you produce on Steemit, this is a service you’ll want to check out. 😊

This is for content creators want the freedom to produce the videos that they choose to, without the censorship that is often encountered on YouTube. A new service has been created specifically for the Steemit platform by a gentleman named Adrian M. This platform allows you to put videos on DTube, the name of the new platform, and it completely bypasses YouTube.

In this video I show you three key video producers who are generating content on DTube now and making money with it. We're talking some serious money in the form of it being very worth your while to produce video and put it on DTube.

If you've been disappointed, or really irritated, by the rules and regulations accountable YouTube, this is one you want to investigate.

In this video, I show specifically what is being done so that you can do it yourself. See what is being done in full video so that you can easily begin producing your own videos on DTube.

I’m excited about this new platform and the possibilities it holds. No, I’m not giving up YouTube as I love it and use it regularly both as a consumer and a producer (I have almost 1,100 videos on my YouTube channel,

Check out DTube and get to know what it can do for you. This is a game-changer, my fellow Steemians. It is a new way for you to be more creative, reach new markets, and make more money. Hey, I like that combination! Whoo Hoo! 👍🏼

Watch this video now --->

Get to know this platform and what it can do for you. Think creatively about how you can use it to do more with your content creation and distribution. This can literally be a money-maker for you, my fellow Steemians.

Please leave your comments below. I really look forward to hearing from you on this one and what you think. I read every comment and look forward to responding to you.

All the best,


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