Hardcore Perseverance & Steadfastness to Reach Your Steem Goals

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I will tell you why I am winning so hard here on Steem at the moment. Two days ago I wrote about the "Steem Success Formula" (Click HERE to read it) which talks about all characteristics and tips to learn whats required to succeed here on Steem.

Why I say that I am winning on Steem? Some big players here know me, I made a good amount of cash in 2 months from nothing and I created a community of hard-working ambitious politically incorrect Steemians which you can visit (or become a member of) by clicking on this link: https://discord.gg/KsWuDMN

I now have a Steem Power of 3100! Again, I did that without investing into Steem. But how did I do that? With steadfastness & perseverance!


What is Real Deal Perseverance?

Perseverance is the steady persistence in a course of action or purpose. To never fucking give up or surrender whatever the hell happens. You will not be sidetracked by anything that happens. Your mother died? Put the work in and then grief for a damn day like the Stoics say.

You suffer from crippling depression? Fuck that depression shit, you are now on the mission to victory and you will crush all your feelings and enemies in the way without getting tired. Your gods, your mission, your goals and the people that believe in you want you to succeed!

Step by step you walk -> You never fucking quit. Feel tired? Fuck your feelings. Do that fucking step every damn day.

I feel tired of posting every day almost every fourth day. I sometimes don't want to but then I remember my goals, my gods, the people that believe in me and then I write that fucking post.


What is Steadfastness?

Steadfastness is staying with a certain thing till you reach your fucking goal. Sounds like persistence right? It isn't. You can reach your goal in multiple ways and that is never a good idea because you switch all the time and like that many people will never reach their goal.

Just look at all those kids that start their blog or Instagram business and 6-12 months later they are fucking gone. Goodbye, goal not reached because they became bored, lost motivation, their hamster died or whatever fucking excuse they have.

Steadfastness is sticking with one thing till you reach your goal. I, for example, have made it my goal to have 100.000 in the future. I will not stop with Steem till I have reached that fucking goal. And when I reach that goal I will stay anyway because why should I throw away the empire that I have built? That would be stupid.



Required listening to understand the text below:

Create your Steemit goal and pursue that goal every motherfucking day. Ignore your feelings they are just a product of your brain that creates problems for you on a fucking daily basis. Don't listen to your annoying brain, fuck your feelings and just do the motherfucking work every damn day!

WITH FURY, WITH ENERGY, BOLD & DETERMINED YOU WILL WALK THE PATH TO VICTORY! Just listen to that song below to understand the mindset that you need to FUCKING KILL IT. Sadness, Frustration, Depression and all that bullshit will be ignored because YOU WILL BECOME YOUR GOAL!

You are posting every fucking day on Steem like some fucking robot without feelings. All that matters are your fucking goals. Fuck love, fuck being kind, fuck other people, fuck everything else -> ONLY YOUR FUCKING GOALS MATTER.
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