The Story of my Dead Cat Kito

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I created this video on Filmora to forever save the visual memory of my cat. Her name was Kito and she was a female cat which was very territorial. She reached the age of 14. All videos are recorded by my sister, I simply put them together and upload them here to remain on the blockchain forever.

When I got my cat my mother just came home with my sports bag when I was still a boy. The bag moved and I wondered what was inside and my mother was just smiling.

I opened the sports bag and inside was a very tiny kitten. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. When my sister came home I was laying on the ground with little Kito on my abs.

She first asked "is this our cat?" because we rescued and returned a cat to her owner once and the name of that cat was Kito as well so she wondered if this was our cat this time.

I like how proud and clean she stands there. She was a warrior cat after all. She always hated new people in our home and she always visited me when I went to bed until the day I left the home of my mother.
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My Memories of Her

Hel is a location and goddess in Norse mythology. She takes a portion of the dead (the ones who died of sickness and old age). Kito died from cancer so this song is perfect for her.

She was so little once that she could hide in my jeans when I wasn't at home. One day I returned home and she was just sleeping inside my jeans that is how little she was.

She was always very curious and we never let her out because we feared she would never return. We had a couple of occasions where she went outside and I panicked and called her. She returned meowing and I was angry as hell.

I taught her a trick because when she was young she was sometimes stuck in some rooms when nobody was home.

I taught her how to open doors. I put her on my army and put her paw on the doorknob and applied pressure so the door would open.

Of course, she didn't get it the first couple of times. I had to do it around 10 times with her and then one day she opened the door to my room.

She had a burning desire to explore and she wanted liked freedom. She didn't want to be stuck in a room anymore.

Now I could simply call her name and she would come meowing and open the door. She did that when we were asleep and it really annoyed us sometimes.

She really had strange places to hang out sometimes, she loved observing us and she greeted every one of us with great pleasure when we arrived home (see that in the video above).

Before I forget it, she loved to destroy sponges and she loved to steal meat when it was outside the fridge for some reason. She loved chicken wings and some mornings we found little chicken bones on the floor thinking what fucking witchcraft happened here.

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My Regrets

I wish I would have visited more often. After I had my own home I never visited my mother and therefore didn't see my cat. I guess that she must have been angry and sad and that she must have missed me.

I wish I would have gone with my mother to the doctor when they sent her to Hel in a peaceful sleep.

I wish I would have let her outside and explore for herself. I value my freedom a lot and thinking that she spent her entire life inside is just a really sad thought.

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Everything dies forever. I always remember my mother saying "visit your grandpa more often" and I do that. In fact, my grandpa is the person I like the most in my family but this post ain't about my grandpa.

I love and respect all animals. They are innocent and they just do what it takes to survive. If I ever wish to get me a cat or a dog I will let them go outside despite the fear that they would never return.

I know you can implant chips nowadays to track them so I actually wouldn't need to be afraid. And even if they die I would be happy for them because they would die as free animals.

Writing this post was a lesson for me. I don't want to die with regrets and I can never forget the lessons.

If you have an animal then you must respect them. Animals have a soul as well and putting birds in a cage, not letting cats or dogs outside ain't good for them.

Regret sucks and you don't want to feel it. Respect animals and don't treat them with too much care. Don't make them soft, otherwise, they won't survive outside.

Treat them like an animal needs to be treated. With firm respect and let them go outside from a young age. If you are scared then implant a chip or go outside with your cat and dog the first times to get them used to cars, people and noise.

If they are too old and spoiled and you let them outside they will die. They will think that people are nice, they won't respect cars and they don't know what they can eat and what not.

I hope you enjoy Hel Kito and that you can finally enjoy your freedom and run around there as much as you like.

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