Suggestions to Make DTube 200% Better!

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DTube is Better Than Youtube!

DTube deserves more love from all Steemians and people all over the world! Just compare it to Youtube to see its potential.

The videos will not be taken down for Hatespeech, violence or too sexy content. DTube equals freedom! In other words, DTube does not censor your words and that is something that is highly needed in our highly censored society.

But that is not everything why DTube is better than Youtube. On DTube you are not disturbed by Head&Shoulders advertisements either. DTube enables you to finally enjoy the video that you are watching without censorship.

And finally the greatest benefit of DTube -> Other people pay you for good content! If you are spamming you will reach the exact opposite -> People will hate you.

So make sure you check out DTube (which is now fast as fuck!)! And if you are a content creator you have to make sure that you upload high quality-videos with good informational text below that!

The benefits of DTube in a Nutshell
1. No Censorship
2. No Advertisement
3. Get Paid

With that said, I am now going to write what can be improved on DTube (I hope that a lot of my suggestions are going to be implemented because with those we will all make more money and enjoy DTube even more)!

Suggestions to Improve DTube

1. The Thumbnail is Bugged
You can change the thumbnail of DTube by uploading a picture to a hoster and then putting that link into the DTube code that is generated at the top of all DTube posts that are automatically created on your Steem blog when you upload a video. There is no option to change the thumbnail and even if you know some code the thumbnail on your DTube channel will still not be changed. This has to be fixed.

2. Upload Multiple Videos
I want to upload my whole Youtube Archive but my Steem blog would be spammed and my followers would hate that. So an option to upload multiple videos at once which would then not be posted on our Steem blogs would be awesome!

3. Only Upload to DTube
The option to only upload to DTube is interesting for people who want to upload their test videos or archive videos without having them show up on their Steem blog.

4. Decline Payout
Not sure if that is already possible. But this option is important for people who have a video that needs to be reposted for example. Copy & paste should not be rewarded and users who know that will select the decline payout option.

5. Add a Play Button to The Picture
When DTube publishes the DTube video there is only a picture without a Youtube like play button in the middle that leads to the DTube video. The problem is that many people don't know what DTube is yet and they will think that it is only a picture and not a video. The result is that many people will not watch the Video!

6. Ability to Delete or Hide Videos on the DTube Channel
I don't know if it is possible to delete videos but I am sure that it is possible to hide videos from the Dtube channel or even to erase them. Like that the user himself (and nobody else) can erase uploads he is not happy with!

These were all the things that I recognized after 5 days on DTube. I hope that these changes are considered so that we can all make more money on DTube and enjoy it a lot more.

I wish you all a nice day and happy birthday to @HopeHuggs!
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