Living Planets

According to a research, there are 200 Billion stars in our Galaxy and each star have at least one planet. There are 40 Billion to 100 Billion planets where there is a chance that life can exist. Our technology is not so advanced to reach those planets. This is still a mystery to the scientists. But in our solar system, Venus and Mars are the planets where life can exist or could have existed. 

Source : PIXBAY

Earth is the most precious planet and only planet that we know of have life. There are 8.7 million species of living organisms. Every living organism including human need at least three things to survive on a planet food, water and energy(Sunlight). Life can exist on a planet where these three things are present. These things are abundantly available on earth.  

Source : PIXBAY

According to a study, Life could have existed on Mars a long time ago because it is found that at that time it had all the things required for the survival of a living organism. But its atmosphere got enough energy to escape from the mars. There can be multiple reasons for atmosphere to escape. One is Sunlight, as mars is very close to the sun in comparison to Earth. Sunlight heated up the particles in the atmosphere and it escaped. 

Another reason is Solar Winds or Storms, The sun is always emitting high energy with high velocity particles generally travelling at 400km/s but become faster in Solar Storms. When these particles, enters the atmosphere, they transfer their energy to the atmospheric particles and after gaining enough energy these can escape from the atmosphere

Source : PIXBAY

Atmosphere escape cannot happen on Earth, according to a study. Earth contains high energy fluids at its core and that helps to create a magnetic shield around earth. So when solar wind or storm particles tries to enter in the Earth’s atmosphere, they get distracted from their current path due to magnetic shield around Earth. Mars does not have Magnetic Shield so that there is no force stopping these high energy particles from entering the atmosphere and escape particles away. There is still research going on it. Satellites have been launched to give a quantitative analysis of the Earth’s and other planet’s atmospheric particle escape. 


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