Art from Trash: Portuguese Artist creates public awareness on effects of waste and pollution to animals #1 Eco Art Series

When we buy a new car and send an old one to a junkyard, few of us think about what would happen to it next? The same happens with a huge number of other devices that we do not need anymore. As soon as they are no longer in our vision, we instantly forget about them. They become someone else’s business.

Arthur Bordalo, known as Bordalo II, created his project "Big Trash Animals" to remind us, people, that invisible to us debris significantly affects the life around. Furthermore, we, people should think about it as everyone’s business and prevent the further pollution on the Planet. Better we start it now BEFORE all life around us dies.

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(c) Bear by Bordalo II. Piece done in Turin, Italy, 2016. Image Source

Most artists start preparing their next creation with canvas and paint, while Bordallo II goes to nearby junkyards, empty factories and dumps in search of trash objects for his future creation.

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(c)Bordalo II in @LasVegas, 2015. Image Source

“Sometimes people don’t recognize that their simple routines are too much, we are using too many resources too fast and turning them into trash, waste, and pollution.” saysBordallo II.

(c) Fox by Bordalo II. Piece done @ Forth smith AR for The Unexpected Festival curated byJustkids, 2016. Image Source

(c) Guaxinão by Bordalo II. Piece done for solo exhibition "Pânico, Drama, Terror" @ Arte Periférica @ Centro Cultural de Belém, 2015. Image Source

(c) Weasel by Bordalo II. Piece has done in Hamburg for MS Artville curated by urbanshit.
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(c) Yuwana by Bordalo II. Piece done in Sint Nicolaas, Aruba, for Aruba Art Fair , 2016. Image Source

As a result of humanity imprudent behavior, nature suffers. Animals (who suffers most) encounter the incredible amount of junk that humanity leaves behind and are trapped and forced to leave in it.

(c) Peace in a cage by Bordalo II, 2014. Image Source

(c) Filthy Whale by Bordalo II. Piece has has done @ NUART FESTIVAL, Stavanger, Norway, 2015. Image Source

They are literally surrounded by trash and it becomes part of their life without them choosing it.

(c) Pelican by Bordalo II. The piece was done in Aruba near California Light House @ Aruba Art Fair, 2016. Image Source

In his works, Bordalo II uses damaged bumpers, garbage cans, tires, and appliances as well as many other objects in abundance found in junk storages and yards.

(c) Half Trash Wood Turtle by Bordalo II. The piece was done for @festivalinspire in Moncton, Canada, 2017.
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It seems as trash piles form the reality and we even are blind to notice them. They are the result of our habits with little ecological and social awareness, our ignorance to nature and life on the Planet.

(c) Ignorance´s a Weapon by Bordalo II. Piece done @ Linha de Sintra, 2015. Image Source

Why Big Trash Animals?

Bordallo II explains the idea of this project very simply:

The idea is to depict nature itself, in this case, animals, out of materials that are responsible for its destruction.

With his project, he hopes to draw public attention to the global problems humanity facing today such as waste production, materials that are not reused, pollution and its effect on the planet.

(c) Lutra Lutra by Bordallo II. Piece done for the Portuguese amazing Salva a Terra - Ecofestival pelo CERAS, Curateb By CERAS and Quercus - ANCN , 2017. Image Source

The artist notes that for many people these problems are " an invisible field" and he hopes that thanks to his works people will pay more attention to what is happening around them.

One of the parts of this project is Half Trash animals. He depicts animals half in the way would look like, and half of them in the pieces of garbage from which they are made. I just hope that our children will be able to see live animals in their gorgeous forms and not the ones made of trash.

(c) Half Muskox by Bordallo II. Piece done in Forshaga, Sweden for ArtscapeFestival. Image Source

(c)Half Orangotango by Bordallo ii. Piece done for Festival Iminente in London,2017. Image Source

Looking at all these works, I involuntarily think about the fact that the life of all these animals depends on us, people. From our everyday choices, change of habits their future (as well as the world in general) is formed.

The question is whether humanity can reach this level of awareness and understand that fewer and fewer steps separates us of living our future in the world of one global garbage dump with a minimum number of living creatures in it?

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(c) Bordalo II. Piece done for solo exhibition ATTERO, Lisbon,2017
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Meet the artist

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(c)Bordalo II in Canada, 2017.

Arthur Bordallo or Bordallo II is a Lisbon artist and environmental activist.He often participates in various campaigns to draw people's attention to environmental pollution problems and their impact on the Planet. He creates his works mainly from the garbage that he finds around. He has numerous works worldwide and continues to work on different projects (most of which are placed in Lisbon, Portugal)

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Interactive Google Map

To see more of his wonderful works you can visit his website, Instagram, Facebook or watch the video below.

With love,

@Sasha Genji

@ecotrain #ecotrain

I support @ecotrain project, which also use #ecotrain. I want to believe that more and more people will start to think about things that help to make the world a better place. (с)@ecotrain. I also hope that more and more writers on Steemit will support the movement started by @eco-alex and @icmultitudes . As I truly believe that we are one and helping others means you are helping yourself.

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