Introducing a Simple Tutorial for Earning a Significant Income on Steemit! The Steemit Minnows Guide to Becoming a Dolphin!

This Guide covers Steem Community Etiquette, Tags, Post Payout Rates and Bots. At the end of this tutorial we link to several longer and more in-depth guides.

The Title of each section is a short-code link that leads to an up-to-date guide. Click on the Title to access the updated Tutorial. As time goes on, many aspects of Steem evolve. We recommend reading the most current guides for each section.

By following these simple steps, we guarantee you will earn a significant Steem income more than worth your time!

Play by the Community Rules.

A. Plagiarism is a serious thing here. Don't do it. If you want to reference a previously created work of art, quote it, source it, and also write commentary on your thoughts and perspectives on it.

B. Source well. Sourcing articles to backup your perspectives is a huge bonus. If you don't own the images your using, do the best you can to link to the source of the image. Just saying you found the image on google isn't enough.

C. Comment spam will not help you make friends. Don't ask for follows or upvotes. Say meaningful things relevant to the article you are commenting on and you will build followers and connections naturally.

D. Be kind. Flame wars don't help anyone, especially you.

E. Beware of the KILLER-Dolphins and Whales. They can drown you until you can't use steemit anymore (By reducing all of your posts to 0 and your reputation -1) if you make them angry.

F. Spell-check ALL OF YOUR POSTS. (We recommend Grammarly, a free extension to auto-spell check everything for you)

G. Give your posts significant length. Steemians LOVE 1-3+ page articles. Make sure your content is well written and lengthy ESPECIALLY if you use bot upvotes.

H. Abide by the Steem Cleaners Non-Abuse Guidelines.


A. Each tag in steemit is its own community. Imagine that each tag is its own venue, a specific location with a specific culture.

B. Before posting into a tag, research the posts/people/perspectives in that tag. Comment on some posts, make some friends. Make sure what your posting fits into the theme of the tag your using.

C. Research the tags that most align with what you want to write on. Look through all of the trending tags and make sure to post in both widely used and smaller tags. The bigger tags have more viewers.... but more competition. You will be amazed at the friends and followers you can make in smaller more niche focused tags.

D. Click the Title link above for an comprehensive and ever-growing list of Steemit tags.

Post Payout Rates

Here is a simplified version of the formula that determines your post payout rates.
[VAR:POST VALUE] Times 0.75 Divided by 2 = SBD PAID.
[VAR;POST VALUE] Times 0.057 = SP PAID.

The high USD exchange rate of Steem and Steem Dollars means that currently a 1$ post pays out about 4$ USD Equivilent in SP/SBD.

This formula was valid on 1/15/2018. Click on the Post Payout Title above for today's current simplified post payout formula.

Steemit Upvote Bots

Bots are perhaps the most controversial part of steemit. You will find the right bots to be extremely helpful in growing a following and gaining more Steem Power!

There is a "good" way to use bots. And there is a "bad" way too.

We recommend avoiding purchasing more than 44 SBD worth of upvotes on any given post to avoid attracting the wrath of an KILLER Whale that doesn't like your post competition. MAKE SURE your content is High-Quality and totally aligned with the Tags your using before exchanging more then 3 SBD for an upvote. (Or else you may get smashed down with flags).

Understand that when using Bid bots, you are almost ALWAYS losing money. Bid bots help you reach more viewers in your tag, but you are paying for this privilege. If you do choose to use bid bots (Which we DO NOT RECOMMEND) then use this free tool to see what bids have been placed. Keep in mind this tool is WRONG when it says a post is profitable. A "0 profit/0 loss post" according to this tool will cost you almost half of what you bid.

There are only a few bots on steemit that always give you a profit from using them. Using these bots is CRITICAL to success and will result in giving you 1-10 USD Profit (in SP and SBD) from each post from the bots alone.

Following are the bots that give a significantly higher % return then all other bots.

@qurator a 1 time subscription fee of 2 Steem for a lifetime of upvotes. The qurator is simply the best upvote service on Steemit. However, the qurator also has the highest standard of criteria for those they allow into the program.

@steembasicincome a 1 time subscription fee of 1 Steem for a lifetime of upvotes. Great for those in it for the longhaul.

@originalworks calls in a free 0.01$ upvote on all of your posts!

@earthnation-bot gives a 5X upvote for minnows only. Check their profile page for what amount to send. (500%)

@lila-wish-genie gives a 3.3X upvote for minnows and dolphins only. Check her profile page for what amount to send (330%)

@bumper Turns 0.5 SBD into a 1.5 Upvote. (300%)

@qustodian the @qurator exclusive bot that gives a 2.7X upvote. (270%)

Following are bots that almost always give a profit. They allow for bigger sends but have a much lower % profit then the above bots

@lays provides 245-270% upvotes with 1-10 SBD.

@steemlike usually provides 250% upvotes from 1-13 SBD.

@smartmarket offers 250% upvotes from 0.1-20 SBD.

@moonbot is a 1 SBD per month subscription service. If you post everyday this bot is more then worth it.

@blockgators is a 5 SBD per month subscription service. We have found it worth it to use this service if you post several times a day.

The bots on Steemit are always evolving. Click on the title of this section for a complete and up-todate list of every minnow-friendly bot on Steemit.

Guide Credit

This Guide was made by the #EarthNation Decentralized Autonomous Alliance. We are here on a mission to make a better world for all races, all creeds, and all classes of humankind. We are doing this through creating ethical/decentralized alternatives to every government and corporate product and service.

Our End-Goal is to create a world without a poverty class, where the working class works 10-20 hours a week while having most of the same privileges as the elite.

Learn more at

Check out our Steemit Academy and Minnow-Support Guild at

We offer a service to repost your steemit articles to any facebook timeline/group/page that you or your friends/followers have permissions to post to. This is a great service to convert FB followers to Steemit Followers! Check it out here

Connect with our people and share inspiring, solutionary, scientific, spiritual content in the #earthnation tag.

Click here for a compilation of more complete and advanced Steemit Guides


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