Vegan challenge update week two

Last week goals are this week's victories!

Improvement goals!

This week will be focused on creative meals. Properly documenting my meals with dates like the rules state. More so, next week I want to address a lot of the vegan hate post. I've noticed a few of them and I think a nonvegan should address them since the vegan's probably don't engage with such silliness.

That statement was made seven days ago on my first week post called, vegan challenge week one update. Since that time, I have made the following creative meals.

PART two of week one goals was addressing all the naysayers.

There have been a few posts out recently about vegans. A personal favorite is from my fellow Floridian steemian @negativer. He wrote a post called, Vegans, Vegetarians, Pescatarians, and Other Strange and Terrible Creatures:: Comedy Open Mic Round # 8.

His disclaimer alone is worthy of a follow, but I refuse to because he challenges me not to fall into the Steemit guilt trap.

You, however, should fall for it because you don’t share a state with him not do you have the privilege of having a mini-meetups every so often. His posts are hilarious and even though he pokes fun he never really kills anyone except for the characters in his story, but that's for another day.

The real naysayers that should be SLAYED!

Then you have individuals that post mean vegan memes and what not. As I mentioned before, most vegans don’t bother commenting on those post because it isn’t worth their time. Since I am only doing this challenge for a limited time. Why poke fun at my diet choices? Is this an inconvenience to you? I can see how at times it can be, but most vegans know the world is against their life choice, so they prepare.

Rarely is there a vegan-friendly place

I’ve learned this week, how challenging it is to be dairy free. There is dairy in, what feels like, EVERYTHING. With that said, I remind myself why I took one this challenge.

First, I wanted to do this challenge to help boost my fundraiser efforts. I am blogging my way to Europe and the SBD prize is exactly what I need to get there.

Secondly, I want to live a healthier lifestyle.

Whenever I take on a health challenge I commit to it 100%. Only if I will revert back to my old ways after the challenge ends. Also, if I slowly dive in with the mindset that this is a long-term commitment then I give myself more grace. With this challenge, I really want to prep myself to eat less animal product and processed foods.

So, I present to you my oopsies!

My oopsie of the week.

The following were consumed and should not have been.

I saw a croissant and learned there is not only milk, but eggs, and butter. Butter mind you are in a lot of stuff, but before we go into that. This croissant and I crossed paths after declining, cake, cookies, and donuts. I convinced myself this was vegan then quickly learned I was very wrong.

Popcorn, for example, is one of my favorite snacks. In case you haven't read my movie theater experience post let me tell you. I rate movie theaters on price, seating, and popcorn. I recently learned, although movie theater popcorn is air popped and you can ask for no butter. Butter somehow appears on the popcorn. I know this by the orange tan on my white popcorn that should not be there. Apparently, you have to ask for no butter before they air pop it to guarantee 100% vegan.

MILK CHOCOLATE the only chocolate option!

This is more of a side note than an opps.

Every snack offered has milk in it, this is truly sad. However, I did discover a lemonade icy that saved the day! Like Oreos, these vegan-friendly snacks are delicious and extremely unhealthy. Do not fall into the trap of eating all processed foods. That is not the healthy vegan way!

If you think there is milk in it, there probably is. Lesson learned the third week will be better. Have faith in me!

I went to a friend's friend birthday party and she made a Brazilian dish. It looked like one of my favorite dish, which I knew contained milk. Turns out it wasn't my favorite dish and it contains coconut milk. It did look like it was made with milk, so I told her I couldn't try it. Coconut milk, she reassures me. Only after I taste it does she tell me it also has bits of shrimp. -_- It was delicious, so I couldn’t be too mad. She also didn’t know I was vegan. We will give her a pass.

I miss BREAD!
Bread, it has the stuff to make it fluffy that isn’t vegan-friendly. This makes me sad, as I love bread. @choogirl send me this book called proteinaholic. This is helping me to see that I overeat protein and under eat fiber. I’ll give a full report after I read it. Probably in next week update. GREAT NEWS! Cuban bread has no dairy in it! We have found the saving grace.


WE have tons of this kind of bread and I have to be careful not to over carb myself.

The stuff I miss because it is everywhere!

Yes, I miss milk chocolate. Bread in general and popcorn. Also, I went to a burger place and was beyond surprised and grateful for a veggie/vegan option! It was amazing, but it had MAYO ON IT! Shoot me, how do people live this way. I couldn’t take it back, but I was frustrated. Before ordering, I asked if it came with any cheese and when they said no. I didn’t think I needed to ask about sauce too, now I know better. This was my last oppies of the week. I promise.

Question for you vegan eaters.

How do other vegans eat out? Do you have a list of question or assumptions you ask to ensure these meals are vegan?Do you ask, is there any cheese, any cheese-like sauce, anything containing diary? Or do you ask for vegan options straight up?

Vegan isn’t the end all be all, but there should be some consideration.

Come in the world! Give us vegan-friendly options!

They probably want milkshakes, milk chocolate, and bread that is vegan-friendly. Oh and pizza, there needs to be more vegan pizza in the world! We need to cater more to our vegan friends because they are truly doing us a favor. Alright, end rant. Below are the pictures of my meals this week! I realized this week, I did eat a ton more veggies and fewer carbs. I haven't cooked anything amazing, but what momma cooked is always amazing. Mind you, I do eat the same meals for lunch and dinner, so although the pictures are all over the place it is what I have consumed. I do have a bit of sad news. I broke my favorite Kubby Glass cup...

Truly saddened by this.


As I mentioned, this meal is the same every day. Sometimes, I'll eat a fruit too. Pictured below is the crime scene too.

Lunch & DINNER!

I was eating a lot of rice and bread, so I cut back the last two days and ate more veggies. As I mentioned, what is for lunch is also for dinner. I did go to a Greek restaurant and have AMAZING falafel.


I don't get bored eating the same salad with various fruits that I eat throughout the day. I wish there were sandwich sold without cheese and eggs. Next week, I am going to eat vegan pizza and ice cream!


Pictured below is very yummy fried potato and sweet potato. I had eaten most of them before I remembered to take a picture. I also forgot to take a picture of hummus, avocado, and the oranges I’ve been eating as a snack everyday.


Ps: Next week I am thinking about checking out the competition, giving a book review, and final thoughts as the challenge comes to an end. Wish me luck!

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