E-Currency coin (ECC), a litmus test for my patience and endurance training


  • A little of my

I am a Venezuelan computer professional with experience of 3 years of mining of BTC, only 3 months ago I began to research on the trading of Cryptocurrencies because mining in these times is no longer profitable with the equipment I own. After getting a little into that world, be fascinated, in love and enthusiasm. Take about $35 (0.02 BTC) I had just generated with an Android application and started operating in Poloniex, soon after watching videos on YouTube get to know the currency e-currency coin (ECC).

  • The investment

It was an afternoon of the day 13-06-2017 and the coin e-currency coin (ECC) was at that time 30 satoshis and after noticing the hype of the coin I decided to buy a low amount but most of my reduced capital. As you will see in my description I am a Venezuelan citizen therefore it is really difficult to obtain currency or in its default high sums of money to buy BTC to take out a calculation, in my current job my salary is around $10 monthly taking into account the value at the moment (13,780 BSF.).

  • The surprise

The surprise arrives when soon after the purchase was fired the value to the 49 satoshis but that happened in the early morning and could not tell me in time to sell and of course everything what goes up has to go down to the 2 days had already descended to the 20 satoshis and was gradually declining in value and volume to reach the 5 satoshis currents.


  • The challenge

For a novice trader this type of behavior in the market is a psychological blow but at the same time a lesson that must be digested, analyzed, understood and learned from it. This hard blow to feel that your capital has been reduced to almost nothing has allowed me to mature as a trader, control nerves, feelings and especially ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!.

  • Conclusion

All the positive experiences and even more the negatives you must channel them to the integral development of your person. I have learned a lot in a short time, the need and passion for this has led me to the limit of wanting to learn more and more about this world which I consider to be the future of the world economy. As I read in some article we are barely in diapers as far as market capitalization. Put your mind to fly and imagine how this world will be in a medium term, incredible truth?.

Hey, before I forget. Hold your ECC! If I could, so can you.

PD.: Project Roadmap


He says goodbye with affection,

León G. Martínez Ostos

“And to continue the successes!”

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