Do you treat public places like a garbage? Are you conscious of your waste?

Yesterday I went rollerblading downtown again. At some point I have to walk up the hill and then a bit more to where I was going (the mattress store to refund my reservations).

As I was walking past some shops, restaurants and work locations, I see people smoking cigarettes. in one particular case, I saw a big sign outside a building that said in French something like "No Smoking Environment/Zone. Please respect the environment."

And what do I see? Two middle-aged women not giving a shit about the sign and smoking right beside it. AS I got closer they were finishing their cigarettes and then threw them on the ground, stomped them out, and then walked away to go inside.


This is how unconscious some people are. They just don't care about things larger than themselves, like the no smoking zone, or the public environment not being your personal garbage can to just do with as you wish expecting someone else to clean up after you.

They are willfully ignorant in many ways. It's not that they are all unaware of the sign, or all unaware of their actions -- it's that they don't care about what their actions do, the consequences of them and the responsibility they bear in doing them. They are apathetic and therefore ignore what the greater implications or long-term effects of their actions have. This behavior applies outside of cigarette smoking as well.

In my past job years ago as a technical support agent, I would sometimes take one of my 2 daily breaks with some smokers just to chat. One time someone -- who I had spoken to before -- was smoking outside the work building. There are ashtrays to put your cigarette in right there at the door. But instead of doing what any decent smoker would do, he was such a low consciousness person that didn't care about what they were doing that they simply threw the cigarette on the ground rather than properly dispose of their filth. I called him out on it, "there is an ashtray right there and you throw just throw it on the ground," and he said "yeah" with on care about what he was doing.

This is one type of unaware, unthinking, low consciousness "unconscious" living that we need to battle in this world. These types of people are very much self-concerned and don't see themselves in the mirror honestly. Much like power abusers who don't actually see or care about what they do and justify how their behavior is "right".

Here is one final example, but not with cigarettes. And this is the same day as the middle-aged women treating the sidewalk like a garbage for their cigarette butts.

Earlier that morning, I was out getting food. It was also recycling, garbage and compost day. On my way back I saw a blue recycling bag that had a bunch of eggs in them, with crap coming out. I have to wonder how anyone would consider eggs to be acceptable in a recycling bag. Maybe they use the more expensive blue bags for garbage too? But that doesn't really make sense costs wise, nor for how the different collectors know what to collect. Blue bags are for recycling, not garbage. The bad did seem to have recyclable material but it had eggs in it too. I just don't get some people.

So that's my little talk on how some people are low consciousness ignoramus' who don't care to self-reflect, analyze or understand their own behavior and what they are doing.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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