Get Rich While Others Get Poor

It's true that many get rich through learning and hard work to create something that others want to buy. Not that this is a guaranteed way to get rich, but some people are poor because they don't try. Those who put more effort into creating something that others will pay for will accumulate more money from that success.

Again, some people do try, and work hard, yet they can be middle class or even poor as well. There are various factors and circumstances in life that affect our ability to seize opportunities, but it helps to first be able to recognize them, as others can.

But getting rich by making things others want to buy, isn't always the case. Some people work hard and advance in wealth while other don't, and yet others make money off the backs of others who are led by carrots.

Money has become a defining factor and measure for many people. Not only do the rich and poor follow money like a carrot, but evaluating other people based on money and wealth has been a norm in various societies for hundreds of years.

I'm sure you've heard of one man's trash is another man's treasure, but have you ever considered how one man's crisis is another man's opportunity?

Ever wondered how some people get rich in a bad economy?

They look for events that create problems where they can take advantage of the chaos.

They play the opportunity that arises from problems in the economy: profit from a crisis by buying when things are low.

Order out of chaos (as the saying goes), and many clever (or manipulative) people can turn the chaos of the world or other people's lives, into their own personal financial order and stability. You don't need to be rich to be able to buy things low when other people are panicking. Accumulating money starts small and grows bigger.

When the reality of a crash hits, many have little money to begin with, and others are selling off cheap in an effort to get cash for survival. But others have money to buy it up low. They aren't as desperate or falling for the fear in the markets and can afford to buy low while others can't and are just trying to survive.

Not only are these people already well off with the money they have and can weather the storm of the crisis -- but they are the few who can buy things up while most others can't, and this is how the wealth transfers happen in history. It happened in the Great Depression of the 1930's, and in various other economic crisis' of the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's.

Bubbles get inflated with the bandwagon effect of people going to the moon, greed sets in to buy buy buy, then the hype dies down and people start selling and more people jump on that bandwagon riding the wave down in a panic and crash, or partial crash. Many of these are artificially stimulated pumps and dumps that play on the frailties of human psychology. Round and round we go, as the poor get poorer and the rich get richer playing this game with people's lives.

The wealthy transfer more wealth to themselves because they buy at the bottom of a crisis and buy up all the real world wealth in exchange for your currency or metals that don't have much real world use apart from technological aspects. Land, businesses, products, etc. can be used in the real world, even in a crisis.

Do these ups and downs, pumps and dumps, all seem a bit "unreal" to you? Or is it just me?
Why are we living this way? Repeating the same mechanism over and over but with different "makeup" each time...
Why do we keep doing the same things over and over that just make some people richer while most of the rest of us get poorer?
What if we all stopped playing these silly manipulative games of pump/dump buying and selling to make quick money and causing all these economic cycles to repeat? Can it be different? Maybe keep your money in an investment you want to support, rather than playing the pump/dumps others create to get everyone else falling for.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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