The Walking Debt and The Starving Child: Welcome to the Upside Down Economics of Kicking the can Down The Road to get High on Assets that Doesn't Exist

Today we are talking about economics. At one end we have one of these so called western democracies and we have an impoverished 3rd world country at the other end. I'm going to show you the stark contrast that exist when it comes to financials. I want you to take a good look at the above picture. You see a bunch of kids partying around living a life of vanity. It's a bunch of random college kids and this is a story that happen on many places around the globe. This is how millions of young men and women live these days. I won't to think about all of these kids as a collective. I want to talk abut their financial situation. But before that I need to get very very specific. I need to go to 1993 Sudan and meet some works of a guy named Kevin Carter who committed suicide by taping one end of a hose to his pickup truck’s exhaust pipe and died of carbon monoxide poisoning at the age of 33 about a year after taking a very specific photograph.

You won't believe what I've just shot! … I was shooting this kid on her knees, and then changed my angle, and suddenly there was this vulture right behind her! … And I just kept shooting – shot lots of film!

This boy was attempting to reach a United Nations feeding center in Ayod, South Sudan sometime in March 1993. Kongor, Ayod, and Waat was literally known as The Hunger Triangle by relief organizations. The photograph was published calling it was a girl. When the photographer's friend João Silva asked where the incident happened (because he wanted to take a photo too) he was told that the vulture was chased away.

I see all this, and all I can think of is Megan.

The photographer's own emotions about his daughter(Megan) made him to think of the child as a girl but in 2011, the child's father revealed the child was actually a boy, Kong Nyong, and had been taken care of by the UN food aid station. The boy died in 2007, 14 years after the incident.

Amidst this whole tragic situation there is a twisted upside down farce of a economics story. I want each and every one of you to know that this little child in impoverished Sudan with his face on the sand with a vulture few feet behind
walking crawling to the UN aid center is rich; at least relatively. Even if you combine all the worth of the party kids,
the child with the vulture behind is richer..... far far richer.

Do you know what kind of worth and riches I'm talking about? I'm a facts person. I'll tell you what richness I'm talking about.

Cold Hard USD

Seriously, I'm not even kidding. The malnourished starving kid half-dead crawling on the ground has so much net worth that a whole party of college kids getting high and popping cherries cannot pool their resources and amount to the net worth of a suffering child. I'm a facts person and this is cold hard money an statistics speaking. If you think the world was a crazy twisted place; wake up and welcome to the real reality.

How on Earth??? published a bunch of stats about the global wealth. They are a bunch of soft commies. But let's forget their intended agendas and look for the facts.

The poorest ten percent on Earth have a combined wealth of minus one trillion dollars. The next 30% owns a trillion USD. Combined net worth of the poorest 40% of the global population is....... nothing. Zilch. Zero

Bernie Sanders (the politician - not the whale) was also pulling similar statistics and I've talked to several people away from steemit and it seems that multiple researches have come up with similar numbers. You can check about Bernie's claims here:

At the end of the day, what we have is a world where miserable and suffering human being living impoverished lives without even a bank account are richer than the decadent punks and the financially irresponsible and that's not even by their own choice but actually out of inability. Even in USSA (The accurate name for "The Land of the Free") 7.7% are unbanked and 17.9% underbanked. That's world's largest economy and overall self-appointed world police. All this madness has its roots in a 4 letter word.


You can use the following site to get an idea about a fraction of the debt in USSA: another great place to ponder you fellow humans political and financial magic is this lovely specter: Take all you time exploring. I'll drop some additional stats about our party kids assuming that they are living in USSA.

  • $1.48 trillion in total U.S. student loan debt
  • 44.2 million Americans with student loan debt
  • Average monthly student loan payment (for borrower aged 20 to 30 years): $351
  • Median monthly student loan payment (for borrower aged 20 to 30 years): $203

Here is some math to the mix:
Average monthly student loan payment (for borrower aged 20 to 30 years) X Americans with student loan debt
= $351 X 44,200,000 =15,514,200,000
Please notice that only the payments of those who are aged 20 to 30 years are counted. So the actual amount paid is far less than 15 Billion USD. Even if it was 15 Billion USD, we are still talking about almost 100 years to clear up the existing debt. There are kids dying rich because they don't have these kind of debts to part and screw hunks & bitches eat enough to fill their stomachs for once in their lives.

Few Infographics From

That's from September 2016. The numbers have grown and obviously in the wrong direction. Let's take a look at something more recent. This is from October 2017. If you don't know what each of these things are or their importance, please use or similar privacy related search engine to your heat's content.

So Dear Friends, How do you feel about your forceful neighborhood dumb democratic entity? I know many of them are better than full blown fascist dictatorships. But I also know that the word fascism comes from the Latin word for bundle of rods which suggested strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break.

This is the kind of twisted world we are living in. It's a senseless contradiction and like all senseless contradiction, it's built upon false premises. Decisions should be made by those who know what they are doing and not by those who have nothing at stake but only a profit to be taken. Only with wise actions we can build a better future. Not with FeelZZZ but with Insight we can build prosperity. Best of luck for all of you that want to live sensible lives!

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