Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

Which is the super power, is it the US or China. The US has lost manufacturing and the ability to produce. This has been shifted over to China. Mueller is pushing for a grand jury and it starting to look like Mueller is going outside of his assigned mandate. There is a FOIA documents that have been produced and it shows that Loretta Lynch uses an aliases.

US submits the formal document to withdraw from the climate accord. North Korea has always been isolated. South Korean president Moon Jae In is going to stop the propaganda pamphlet drops to NK. Russia and China urging NK to stop missile program and it is also urging the US and South Korea to discontinue drills.

Lebanon pushes to control its border with Syria, and the Syrian forces are pushing to control its border with Jordan. The US spent 1 billion dollars on the moderate rebels and hundreds of billions on the paid mercenary forces.

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