The World Is Changing,The US Will Collapse As A Civilization Unless We Change: Harley Schlanger

Today's interview with Harley Schlanger starts off talking about the G20 meeting, on how Putin, Xi Jing Ping and Trump will all meet and talk about the world economy, terrorism etc. Putin and Trump spoke for 2 plus hours when their meeting was only going to be about 30-40 minutes long.

The global economy is cracking and the US needs to change with the world or the US will be left behind. The deep state is still pushing their agenda to get a war started, they pushing that very hard in North Korea. Trump, Abe and Moon Jae In called on Russia and China to work with North Korea to help denuclearize and bring peace back to the region.

In regards to the economy the clock is ticking down and Trump does not have much time to repair the damage, at this point it might be to late already.

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