Eco Prawn

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I saw this interesting desktop ornamental at a friend’s place. It is called eco prawn – tiny ornamental prawns that requires minimum maintenance. Maybe that's where the name came from. It is supposedly ‘self cleaning’. No need to change water. All you need to do is feed them.

Actually, ‘self cleaning’ is a bit misleading. The cleaning is actually done by snails. The snails go around gobbling up whatever waste there is in the ‘tank’. Once their life-span is up, they die and you have to replace them.

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The eco prawn aquarium comes in vaious sizes and shapes. The cost varies – depending on the size of the ‘tank’, the number of prawns, and the decorative items that are in it. You can buy other decorative items you like and put them in the tank. The eco prawn aquariums in the video is somewhere between $50 for the small one, to $150 for the big one.

Here's a short video clip.!/v/quotes-haven/49rt26w9

This makes a very good gift for all occasions. I can’t remember where my friend bought this. If you are interested, I can find out for you. I believe that Amazon sells this too.


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