London Tribes Unite to Sing and Drum for Love - Reclaim Love 2018, Piccadilly Circus, 17th Feb 2018

Wow.... what an incredible event happened yesterday in central London!!! The London Shamanic, Hippy and Rastafarian Alternative tribes united to share and celebrate LOVE in front of thousands of curious onlookers...

I felt called to attend, for some reason, and I didn't know what to expect... What I found was such a strong oasis of life force energy blasting out delicious love vibes in the middle of the dense, heavy vibrations of a super crowded junction in UK's famous metropolis on a Saturday evening!


This was far better than Valentine's Day! It was the day for Universal Love! Heart Chakra is activating and people are celebrating the joy of coming alive again, after a cold and gloomy English winter.

I pulled my shamanic drum out and I joined the drummers and singers, feeling the rhythm of a collective awakening pulsating through every cell of my body.

People were smiling, dancing, jumping, singing, shaking, chatting, giving free hugs, sharing doughnuts, wearing banana suits (literally and metaphorically), unleashing their tribal nature in front of the inquisitive lens of tens of cameras.


Some passers-by occasionally joined.

I was amused to see a sweet old man, joining in a proper booty shake dance next to a professional belly dancer, who was grinning from ear to ear the whole time!

I watched her, she always looked as if she was communicating with someone through her eyes, but I realized she was just enjoying herself and maybe even talking to divinity, I wonder?

I would never have imagined doing this kind of thing let's say... three or four years ago?


I suddenly found myself in an euphoric state, playing one instrument in this entire orchestra, we were one living organism that was emanating such strong energy, and even the bus passengers couldn't help but turn their heads to find out what on earth is going on?!

I met some of my best friends there, as well as making acquaintance with new ones... Indeed, such gatherings are the perfect platform to connect with people in a more relaxed, heartfelt way... Everyone was just so lovely!!!


One message really drew my attention, written with chalk on the pavement, like kids at school...

The world will know peace when the power of love overcomes the love for power. (Henricks)


Indeed so, and we are powering up the love level big time!!! But first we have to find the source of love within. Finding that infinite source within, the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone, the inner Diamond... because happiness is an inside job, and only when you are content with yourself you can truly be content in the world!

P.S. This is Oscar Anaya. He is one of my favourite people in the world. He is a fantastic musician and has a huge heart. If you need a man to put music to your lyrics, he is the one! He has helped me step more into my expressive and confident musicality. Love him to bits!


Thanks everyone who made it, every single one of us made a valuable contribution!

We don't need to be overwhelmed by the negativity that's being thrown at us from media. We can simply decide to think for ourselves. Choose love over fear, and you'll be so free my dear... Think globally, act locally... We are doing it, and we are freaking loving doing it!

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All pictures are mine.

Thanks for taking the time to read about our experience. It means a lot to us if any of this resonates or touches your heart in any way.

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