Take a Break from your Busy Life and Recharge Your Batteries at the Spring Retreat in Ybbsitz, Austria in March 2018

Hello dear ones,

Today I'm excited to announce that I will be part of the Spring Retreat team organized by the one and only Dominik Reza Zaerin-Holubovsky (Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist) in Austria, March 2018.

In this article, I intend to say a few words about Dominik and our retreat, as well as offer you, the reader, an invitation to join us.

I met Dominik a few years ago through his Kundalini Yoga classes he held in various parks and indoor locations across London. I joined his class following a recommendation from a good friend of mine, and that class turned out to be one of the most challenging but rewarding yoga classes I ever took at that time.


Dominik struck me as a very devoted, passionate, genuine individual who whole-heartedly applies himself to the art and science of Yoga.

He is not the airy-fairy, enlightened guru type. To the contrary, he is a down-to-earth, pragmatic, see-through-b*llshit teacher whose aim is to empower and hold space for his students to find their own power within.

I liked him from the very beginning. Beyond the role of a teacher, we met from soul to soul and struck a beautiful friendship. Some of our conversations opened new perspectives and even had a deep, transformational impact on me.

Dominik is one of the most brutally honest and direct people I've ever met. He does not hold back from expressing his eccentric personality in all its colours and contrasts.

He exudes a relentless passion for uplifting the human spirit, an inexhaustible drive in pursuing what he calls The Great Work (the inner work), combined with satirical humour and child-like spontaneous playfulness.


Dominik earned his education and honed his craft under several renowned Teachers in London. For ten years now, he serves his clients through a combination of Personal Training, Yoga and Massage Therapy in the form of private sessions, group classes, immersion programs and retreats.

I am delighted to be the journalist for the "Spring Retreat", the first in the "Four Seasons Retreat" series held by Dominik.

The Spring Retreat will take place during 19th-23rd of March in his home village, Ybbsitz in the Austrian countryside.

The intention of the Four Seasons retreats is to support you in recharging and upgrading your internal batteries. They are intended to help you nourish your body, mind and spirit in a safe and natural space.

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Through a harmonious and engaging fusion of yoga, nutrition, meditation, relaxation, creative exercises, dance and exploration of nature we will strengthen and activate the entire life force energy, and create space for deep insight and healing. You will then return to your ordinary daily life with greater levels of inspiration, energy and focus.

The thinking behind these retreats is simple. You "take a step back to take a greater step forward".

You retreat in order to return... with real power! You invest in the living being that you naturally are. You align yourself to nature, as the Seasons shift, and focus on your internal process of renewal and growth.

What would happen if you take a break from your often busy and demanding "default reality", take the time to explore yourself and allow yourself to be taken on a journey?

It will not just be you that will benefit. By "filling yourself up", you can, in turn, be a better, brighter and more positive human being for your family, friends, colleagues and community.

Nothing "life-changing" may happen during your retreat, but you will return with more aliveness, sharpness and a tangible feeling of being full... that’s a promise.

The intention and commitment from Dominik and the entire team is that we share practices that work for every human being, and that we teach and hold space in a very kind, pragmatic and down to earth way.

Removing all the dogma, mysticism and airy fairy from yoga and the other practices usually associated with fringe parts of society. By delivering in this way, we hope to make these techniques far more receivable and interesting to people who are interested in what works, without being fed a story, or a spiritual or religious message.

This retreat is therefore open and accessible to every human being.

Dominik says: "I have always been passionate about helping other human beings feel great, and witnessing them grow. I feel alive, and useful, when I encourage the people around me to feel strong, safe and loved. I feel inspired by the work I do and I receive a lot of satisfaction from it. This is the closest definition of having a purpose that I can resonate with."

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So, if you feel the need to get away and focus completely on your health and well-being in a nurturing environment...

If you're going through a lot of change right now and want some support and solidarity in the process...

If you are passionate about personal development and becoming a better human being and want to level up your game...

This retreat might be the perfect opportunity for you to explore more of who you are, what you are capable of and recharge your batteries for the next stage of your life.


19th-23rd March, Ybbsitz, Austria.

To find more information, get in touch at www.yogamitdom.com/retreats or simply leave a comment below and I will answer shortly.

I'm really looking forward to this retreat, and I hope I will get to see some of my friends join us there as well. The more the merrier!

Be You, Be Wild, Be Free!


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