A Tribute To Earthships & The Eco-Train Steemit Group: Thank-you For Everything!

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Did you know that we have some fantastic people here on Steemit that belong to a super eco group who believe in sustainable living? The group is called eco Train and is headed by a remarkable man who built his own Earthship home with little prior experience. His name is @eco-alex and he pulled together a unique group of people who are inspired by spirituality, humanity and most of all believe that we need to be focusing on earth’s good, natural resources.

This is a very warm and welcoming group of people who each have their own story to tell. And as they journey through this Steemit adventure on their eco-train, they will pick-up passengers who want to experience the Earthship movement and clean living. They deeply care about the earth and her limited resources and want to teach anyone who will listen, to their way of living.

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I was very blessed to have been asked to join this special group and once I did, everyone was so welcoming and supportive. As a whole, they support each other in all facets of the Steemit process and most importantly, they support you with sage advice, warm and helpful comments and share their knowledge in all elements of their respective areas of expertise. These really are amazing people.

The reason I am writing this article is two-fold. First, I wanted to do a shout out about this eco Train group and also to thank them for the wonderful experience I had with them. I really wanted to continue but due to personal circumstances, I needed the time to focus on home and family concerns. Being much older, I also wasn’t very good at multi-tasking and found I had too much on my plate. When I was young I could literally do many activities at once but as time has progressed for me, I tend to get over whelmed easily. But no matter what, I will continue to follow eco Train as they move down the track in Steemit.

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So, has any of you ever heard of the Earthship movement? I hadn’t until @eco-alex introduced me to his post, @eco-alex/the-remarkable-diary-of-an-earthship-eco-builder-2-. It was a fascinating read with wonderful pictures, some videos and a great narrative. It was a real eye opener for me and I was amazed how beautiful his home turned out. I highly recommend that you take the time to check his post out.

The key points I learned was that Earthships are 100% sustainable homes that are relatively inexpensive (compared to conventional methods) to build and amazing and wonderful to live in. The amenities are like no other sustainable style house you have ever come across. The Earthship has one or two greenhouses that grow crops year round, has a unique water recycling system, provides sustained comfortable temperatures no matter the time of year, has solar power & some with wind turbines so electricity is off the grid, there are no monthly bills so it gives you a sense of freedom, it is inexpensive to maintain and is made of recycled materials. What more can you ask for?

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If you are interested in learning more about Eathships, check @eco-alex on Streemit. They also have a listing of their ecoTrain highlight posts, showcasing their amazing passengers every week! Please check the following site: @eco-alex/ecotrain-post-highlights-5th-july-12th-august-2017-more-amazing-content-every-week.

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“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
– Albert Schweitzer

In closing, it really was a memorable experience, especially with many of these caring passengers. I want to thank them all for the short but fantastic ride on their eco-Train. Thank-you!

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