Bone broth hack: Cheap bonebroth in 5 minutes

It sounds to good to be true right? That's what I thought when I came up with it!
But it's actually a worthy substitute to making bone broth which takes hours and hours of cooking, a lot of ingredients and a lot of gas.


You can buy ready-made bone broth but that costs an absolute fortune.
And when traveling you want to keep up your good habits of healing your gut and stomach lining without spending that absolute fortune, because you want to safe money for buying souvenirs or ice cream right?

I had a look at the components of bone broth that make it so healthy:

Bone broth is rich in minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline.

The collagen in bone broth heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation. In addition, collagen supports healthy skin and can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Also, the glycine in bone broth can detoxify your cells from chemicals and improve brain function.

(Taken from:

As Gelatine is a component of bone broth I thought this might work mixed up with some organic vegetable stock powder.

So I looked into the components of gelatine as well to compare them to the healing components of bone broth:

Gelatine is the cooked form of collagen, it also has glycine and proline. Instead of glutamine it has glutamic acid of which I found:

'The amino acids glutamine and glutamic acid are closely related in a chemical sense. The human body is able to produce L-glutamine itself, from L-glutamic acid...'

(Taken from:

Bone broth has more nutrients and minerals then gelatine as I have understood doing some research, but the main components that help heal the stomach and gut lining are the ones mentioned above that are present in both bone broth and gelatin.

My conclusion is that when you don't have time to make bone broth or are traveling and you take it for said healing purposes, then gelatine is a good substitute.
And I find that two teaspoons of it mixed with two teaspoons of organic powdered gelatine in a cup of hot water is actually a very pleasant drink, almost as nice as bone broth.

A note on the quality of your gelatine:

'Beware of low quality gelatine! Most commercial gelatine don’t include cartilage or bones, and are made from pigskins or cowhide. If you want to get the benefits of gelatine, the source is key! Use collagen from pasture raised animals..'

( taken from:

A note about the condition in which animals are kept:
Please buy products of organically raised animals only if you can, as their life conditions are much better, generally the impact on the environment from organic companies is less and the animals are fed on healthier, better quality food, so the end product is much tastier and healthier.

I hope this helped.

Lots of love and warmth,

P.s. this was an ecotrain post. To see what we wrote last week check out:


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