Chanting with you-tube before meditation. (7 day meditation challenge)

Namaste everyone,

If you wanted to do some chanting before your meditation but don't know what to chant? Look on you-tube it's got so many wonderful chants often with the lyrics given in the video. I usually pick a chant that feels right for me that day and that suits my mood. I have stuck with the original Gayatri mantra for many years, and I think it is still my favourite. I will make a more elaborate post about that sometime.

There are more then one Gayatri mantra's. Many different forms of the Divine have a mantra following the set up of the Gayatri, in which Their specific Divine quality is honoured.

In such a way our Mother Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth and abundance on all levels ( spiritual, material, emotional), consort of Vishnu, the sustaining force of the universe, has a Gayatri mantra to honour Her presence in your life.

I am feeling love for Her at the moment and wanted to sing this mantra.
Below you can hear how it goes end if you like it you can sing along with this you-tube.
(It is nice to light a candle and some incense with it and if you have to offer a flower to Her.)

I hope you enjoy it!

Lots of love Clara

This was an ecotrain post, for more on meditation check out @ecotrain

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