Get your chant on: Learning to play the kartals with your chanting.


This post is a part of the Get Your Chant On Celebration.
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Have you ever wanted to learn to play the kartals?


I love to chant and I like to accompany it with the tambourine, but I am always amazed at the effect kartals can have when played well to lift up a repetitive mantra. Below is a nice example of how they can sound accompanying your chanting.

But... I don't know how to play them properly...yet. 😃

I have searched you tube for good tutorials several times without much luck, but now I've found a beautiful Hare Krishna devotee who shares in several lessons how to play them. Below is his introduction. There are more then 25 lessons, taking small steps, clearly explaining all the different sounds you can make with the kartals. I'm posting it here for you, so you'll know where to find him and the references he gives in his you-tubes for further practice.

I just enjoyed doing lesson 1 till 7 in about half an hour, in between my episodes of 'The Flash' and it was fun!

I hope you enjoy it too!

Love Clara 💜

This was an eco-train post for more check out: @eco-train and see where it takes you. 😃

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