Poem: Awaking wind

'The wind is blowing like there's no tomorrow,
only now.
Taking everything with it, that is light enough to dance with it.
'Do you want to dance?' it asks me.
Are you ready to let go?
It even awoke the owls nesting in the tree at the back of our garden, in the middle of the day.
I hear them squeaking worriedly.
But I feel adventurous,
cause I am brave,
in my wellies.'


Alex always says when the wind blows like that: 'Those are the winds of change.'
And it sure feels like the winds are blowing the winter away making space for the new spring.

According to some cultures, among others Indian culture and Celtic sjamanism, spring starts as early as the 15th of Januari. ( On the northern hemisphere. )
It makes sense to me. It feels like the earth energy, that has been withdrawn deep into the earth at the heart of winter, is slowly coming more up to the surface again. Somehow the bird songs sound different to me too. Less solumn and more cheerful or springy. This time of year is also called prevernal by ecologists in the six-season model they use, containing (prevernal, vernal, estival, serotinal, autumnal, and hibernal.)Literally prevernal means pre spring, relating to the time between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. So however you want to put it, it's good news, winter is over.

The awakening earth energy brings new life to the surface. Nature is gathering the energy to bloom when spring is at its peak. For us humans this nature dynamic can be seen as gathering courage to start a project we want to do, or take that step we need to take. The theme is about tapping into your braveness and planning those things you have been wanting to do even if they are a little scary.

Does anything 'spring' to mind for you?

I would really like to know in the comments.

Connecting to the seasons is very grounding for me as it gives me a place in the natural rhythm of things and makes me feel connected. I want to share this with you because of that, hoping it will speak to you and ground and connect you too.
Please leave a comment, as talking about it with you would make me feel even more connected.

Enjoy being outside and see if you can sniff the spring in the air already.

Lots of Love Clara

This was an ecotrain post: @ecotrain
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