The very last day of the Yuletide celebrations: Three kings day or twelfth night

Happy Three kings day/Twelfth night/Epiphany/little Christmas or as it is called in Holland: Thirteenth day! (1).jpg

Whatever it has been named it is thirteen days from the day the sun started moving up again, so I think 'Thirteenth day' is a pretty accurate name for it. Yay for the Dutch!
And... Like with all Christian celebrations, it is all woven in with the pagan festival, trying to overwrite it by naming it 'Three kings'. Originally, like the name thirteen day suggests, it is the end of the period of 13 holy nights, which is a cosmic event rather then a religious Christian one. Although the Christ energy is also doing its work in the 13 holy nights, while the veils between heaven and earth are thinner.
It has also been called Epiphany which means something along the lines of 'enlightening vision' and I guess that's what happens after 13 nights of visionary dreams, the accumulation of all of them would lead to an Epiphany. How was this period for you I am wondering?
Regardless of wether you have followed my series of posts about Yuletide. How was it for you? Did you experience any extra magic or clarity? I am very curious to know.
This year for me it has been an adventure of discovering the background to the magic I was already feeling around this time of the year and sharing it with you. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for coming along with me.
'Little christmas' is the last name given to todays events that I haven't told you about yet.
There is proof that until not long ago christmas was actually celebrated on the 6th of January and it got moved to the day the sun started to rise again. You can probably guess why: This was a very important moment for the people in pre-christian times. As Christian rulers wanted people to be forgetting their pagan ways, they gave all their important pagan holidays a Christian twist. So the most important Christian celebration: The birth of Christ was placed on the most important pagan celebration: The return of the light.
Among all this covering up of pagan holidays isn't it beautiful that both themes are so similar. The birth of Christ and the return of the light. And that however hard Christianity tried to stamp out pagan ways, we still honour the evergreen tree and ask Odin (Santa Claus) for presents and know of the 'magic' around christmas time, (which stems from the heavens being open for 13 nights) of which every christmas movie worth watching speaks. Beside that it is also funny to notice that I have forgotten to mention the meaning of the Three kings celebration altogether in this post as it doesn't speak to me, I have no connection to it, I don't know what it means and frankly it feels kind of 'stuck on' which is exactly what it is.
Life always finds a way to make the most important messages to us come through, one way or another. So I hope the return of the light has led to an epiphany or at least clarification for you and may you benefit from it all year.

Lots of Love

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