Wait a minute! Have I missed something? Whilst the @ecoTrain have been posting over the last month on patriarchy and matriarchy, I have been very down on patriarchy for all the things that it displays today. At the same time I have all been bestowing my blessings and desire for a more matriarchal world, to the extent that I have been imagining what a perfect world a matriarchy would be like. In the meantime, I have been missing something in my posts which I think needs to be said. @clara-andriessen has written about this, as have a few @ecoTrain passengers, and that point is that our ideal societal structure would be a blend of both matriarchy and patriarchy. When the balance shifts to either side too much, we end up at the same extreme point (its a circle not a see-saw).. and SO a full on 100% matriarchy would yield results that are just as bad as a full on patriarchy is.

The Plight Of Men

I have another thing to get out! Is there a rant coming? Yes there is! You see, it is True that women have been oppressed for as far back as we can remember. The worst of this started around 2000 years ago, when the political system changed to allow for ownership of land (and wives), and some distribution of power to other men. This change led to many things, and the competition that ensued has brought us to where we are today. I would like to say that I also have great sorrow for the plight of men and the masculine principles in all of this. The oppression of women by men is no less severe than the oppression of men by men! Men around the world have had to put up with an ego maniac, testosterone driven oppressive system their whole lives. The oppression of men by men, both physically and emotionally, and the pressure for men to be and act a certain way pervades all of our cultures. Men have been forced to look and act a certain way as well as women, and if they show any weakness, or even compassion, they will be attacked for it. The things men have had to do to look tough and be accepted by their peers would make you shudder!

Men have to be balanced by women, and vice versa. Writing this reminds me of a job I used to have which really drives this point home. I used to work as a wine waiter in a hotel banqueting suite when I was a student. It was a silver service production, with dinner, alcohol, and a three course banquet with live music. The evening would always start very formally, and I would greet people with a glass of champagne in my black suite and bow tie and welcome them in. My job thereafter was to ply them with as much booze as they could handle, and let the night play out. We had two kinds of events, one was with women and men, and the other was a men only night! It is fair to say that it was the same kind of men who attended both the mixed banquets, as well as the men only. It was really amazing to see the difference, it was the same every time! On a mixed couple event the men were gentlemen! They were so polite to me when ordering drinks, they tipped reasonably well, and got a little drunk and enjoyed their time. It was a civil event! Now, what about when the men all get together in the very same place, for a very similar occasion? Well, if we had a men only night we would know to brace ourselves before hand. The bar would stock up on extra everything! The men would arrive as they did before, very formally and everything would seem quite civilized. "Would you like a glass of Champagne Sir?" I would ask everyone, "Oh yes, thank you very much!" and they would take it and have a sip or two and walk off. But we ALL knew what was in store! The bar would be bursting at the seams for the first hour or two, until we could finally manage to get everyone to move to the banqueting suite where they could take their seats at the dinner table. From that moment, things just get progressively more loud and crazy. By the end of the night it would be normal to have a few guys standing on the tables and dancing shirtless. They were all friends but would be shouting fuck this and that and all have a great and very 'manly' time. They all loved it, in way that you can when you are blind drunk and trying to be a man and fit in with the boyz. I wonder how many of those guys really preferred a normal night out with their wife and friends?

Why am I saying this? Because my point is we have to honor BOTH the masculine and feminine principals in order to have the type of society that I would like to live in. My heart goes out to all men who have suffered in this male dominated world, who were pressured into being someone they don't want to be. We have ALL suffered under imbalanced patriarchy, EVEN the few 0.1%, and I feel better for acknowledging that. We should not blame men or mankind for the problems of this world, but instead we should blame the system that allocated and controlled power as it does. A system that led a competition so vast that it took over the entire planet. When we take ANY man, or women, and breed them in life of en-slavery, hypocrisy, corruption and abuse, you can only expect to see the very worst traits come out. We know this to be true for all animals, and all life, and we should realise that this is the same for our civilization and the crisis that it is in.

We have now reached the point in our technological advancement where we can be controlled and manipulated in ways and subtleties that almost no one can resist. The saying "Resistance is Futile" is very true when we are faced with a government that weilds the powers of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. I use these words intentionally, as they are the same words used to describe the powers of G-d. That is point, those in power are becoming Godly like in their power and reach and ability to control things. People are made to feel powerless, and most don't even challenge the entire premise of being ruled over by an evil regime... yet.... I say yet.. I mean, I hope, I hope that the time comes very soon that people start putting their foot down and resisting.

For a balanced world to flourish, where we live in a world that doesn't cause so much pain, We have to lead the way!

I have no idea how this change will happen, but I know it HAS to happen. I also know you wont see this change happening on mainstream media, at all. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised folks! The revolution is happening here, and under the covers.. in the little spaces in between. If you know where to look, you can see it happening. If we stop complying in all the ways that we do (especially social compliance), we will discover a whole new world and a whole new group of people. Saying no means BEING no. That means, guys acting how the heck they want to act. Drink lemonade with friends instead of beer, pay it forward, cry, and allow yourself to Love, to really love. That is where the revolution needs to happen, and is happening. The revolution in our hearts is what will lead to our evoLution. Thank G-d I can see that happening in the world today, because the day will never come when I kneel in front of an A.I super computer screen in my living room!


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