The 7 Day Meditation Challenge: Holy * Cow * What A Difference!

I'm happy you have stopped by to read this, because it is going to be quite a read if you have any interest in meditation, or are curious to try it but don't really know why! I have been meditating each morning now for 7 days and it has definitely been a VERY interesting experience. I would like to share with you the differences an changes that I noticed during the week:

  • I am desiring healthy foods naturally.

    Yesterday I did my weekly shop, and noticed that I was not drawn to any of the junk foods and unhealthy things that I normally succumb to. What you buy you eat, an so i was very surprised to notice that I was really not tempted or swayed by the fancy packaging or nay of the trappings of junk food. I bought a whole load of fruits and not even one bag of crisps! Amazing! I did still have a pizza though, and enjoyed it even more than i normally do.. I felt much more present and centered eating it. I didn't need to read or look at my phone, i just ate an enjoyed the pizza!

  • Feeling more joyous happy and playful. mood

    I feel like I am smiling more, even when I am alone, and am also more playful with myself and others and am enjoying those small moments much more.

  • Feeling this magic of life is coming back

    I used to feel that life was full of magic, and wherever I would go I would see it, and share it. The magic is more about the feeling rather than any actual events.. the magic is in those small moments, the way someone looks at you, the spark of energy that you feel when you meet certain people.. Its feels like anything is possible again, and anything can happen again.

  • People react to me differently, for no apparent reason.

    When I enter a room people turn and look at me. People are smiling at me more, and i am smiling at others more. Its hard to say which comes first but i definitely notice the difference. It has reminded me how the whole world shifts to match your consciousness and feelings, almost instantly.

  • Much more detached from my main problems or worries.

    I am hardly looking at the cryptocurrency markets, and even when i do i seem quite unbothered if it is going up OR down! I can really say that I am feeling MUCH more detached from everything really, but in a nice way. I can just be here and enjoy what is going on SO much more when i am not worrying about the past or the future.

  • Talking impromptu walks instead of sedentary activities

    Where I am living a walk means going up a very steep mountain on rough tracks and paths, and reaching a Eucalyptus forest at the top. I almost never walk up in the middle of the day as i am too preoccupied with what I am doing. This week I had the urge to just take a nice walk after lunch and enjoyed looking at the tress and nature so much more than normal. I was really much less stuck in my thoughts and able to just take it all in a bit. I also took a slightly different route for some reason, and chanced upon three Israelis who were stuck with their motorbikes on a Very steep and stony slope that leads to Karuna. Luckily I was there to ride it down for them as they were SO scared I think they may have hurt themselves. Perhaps meditation helps us to be connected to the universal flow so we can be of better service and use to the world.. That IS the case with this story at least!

  • I can hear the inner voice that feels beautiful and warm and good for me.

    Yes, my inner me is coming back! I feel like Ive been stuck with this OTHER GUY who's been moody, moaning, and grumpy about everything for a long time now (years). Im not used to feeling like that, and now I can hear that familiar and so precious voice of what I can only call the real me.. or at least the me that I like to hear and feel!!

  • I am thinking much less negative thoughts

    I am still thinking a loT, don't get me wrong.. but my thoughts are much more positive and productive. I am not so lost in meaningless thoughts, or those complaining or disgruntled thoughts.

  • I lost my job and source of income two days ago after 15 years remote employment!

    I am totally not freaking out but instead am embracing change and the opportunity to grow and discover new things. Yes really! I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't started meditating that I would be freaking out right now, maybe canceling my holiday with Clara for fear of having no money left to live from. Now i just feel it is the Right thing to do, and we will be OK. I have much more Trust and faith that things will be OK! This feels like it is coming from a place of knowing rather than blind faith!

  • I am eating less, and craving fruits! ( I never normally eat fruit!)

    Yup, my diet is changing too, which is great! i was skinny my whole life until the least 4 years.. Now i have a belly like Buddha and I really want it to go! Meditation might be the best thing for my weight loss as well if i keep on like this!

  • My cats seem totally blissed out!

    That may just be my perspective that is changing! Forest now sits on my lap just staring at me for ages with this intensely loving gaze.

  • I have experienced a few brief moments when I could just sit and watch nature with a calm mind and no distractions.

    I have the feeling of really being here in this present moment, and it a realllllyyy special feeling. Its like I am more in my heart now than and so i can feel my whole body, and hear the sounds around me more.. My awareness is quite different.. i just FEEEL different .. and in a very good way! BEfore i was really just 100% stuck in my head and it was just a mess in there, so i felt very lost and had no idea what directions to go.

  • My creativity has improved and I am often full of ideas and creative, inspired thoughts..

    I remember from the past that I need to keep a handle on this as I can flip back to my head.. lost in a kind of fantasy, and can get quite ungrounded. Nevertheless, its quite nice to feel inspired in so many ways. I haven't drummed in weeks and weeks, and now that urge came back too!

  • I am engaging and connecting with more Steemians, and am enjoying meeting new and amazing people.

    I'm also enjoying commenting much more this week and my comments are so much more interesting, passionate, authentic, engaging and heartfelt.

  • I feel liek I have more time!

    I obviously still have the same amount of time each day, but for some reason i don't feel nearly as overwhelmed about things. That alone is a great gift because it just lets me get on with things EVEN BETTER than before since im not hurrying and stressed out. The ironic things is that because of this i am actually saving time and doing things better!

I don't know about you, but to me this looks like a long and amazing list of benefits. If I hadn't been writing this post I would never have thought about it so hard, or realised quite how many and positive effects there are! I am rediscovering the power of journaling again, which is another thing i should add to the list!

These are all my authentic experiences and am really happy i can share them with you in the hope that it also inspires you to think about and even better, TRY it out. The #meditation-challenge is ongoing and we invite you to join us today and try it out for one week. Not having time seems irrelevant now that I have tasted the nectar and promise of being able to live HERE and now, in the moment, with calmness, and peaceful mind, and a warm heart.

Needless to say I will be continuing! And next week we are stepping things up another level with our Get Your Chat On Challenge. I will write more about that soon, but I can honestly say that Chanting is one of the best things I can do for myself.. and is partly responsible for at least half of the above list!

If you would like some help or more guidance on doing this #meditation-challenge please read a great post that @clara-andriessen wrote:

Much love to you all, I am loving this challenge and really enjoying reading everyones posts..


Anyone who already meditates on a regular basis can testify to the powerful and wide range of effects and benefits that they get from it. These days meditation is starting to gain traction in mainstream media, and we are seeing meditation being taught in schools, even in Europe and USA. Many of us make important decisions every day whilst leading stressful lives. It is often when we are feeling fearful or under stress that we make bad decisions, and are unproductive and inefficient.

What better challenge could we have here on Steemit than a meditation challenge!? This challenge is for everyone, whether you have never meditated before, or you used to meditate but haven't in a while, or even if you do meditate regularly. I hope you will join us in this opportunity to make your day and the world even better!

Are you ready for the details! !?

Click the link below for more information and how to join us

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