True: 20-min psychic operation experience (ecotrain)

The Brazilian sun was strong. Thunderheads were building on the horizon.

"I've just had a visit from my grandmother," sniffed my friend, "This morning the Entity removed a tiny cyst from my scalp. Look! It was harmless but ever since he removed it, my grandma's been visiting me in our bedroom. I've missed her so much."

We were all in white: you had to wear white so the miracle healer could see your aura. His Entities would know better what they needed to do to heal you. Some patients ended up with something very long and nasty-looking rammed right up their nostrils - miracle healing is not all roses.

"Did that hurt?"

"No," said my friend.

I missed my grandma too. When I heard that my friend had been given a gift like that just from having a harmless little cyst removed, and painlessly too, I decided to pitch the harmless little blob on my eyelid, some kind of calcium deposit that my doctor had said would cost hundreds to have removed. I'd never had a psychic operation before and didn't want to miss out.

The next day, I queued in front of the Entity and showed him my blob. When he gestured me into the queue for psychic operations, I could hardly wait!

The shade of the Casa was cool. The entity had instructed me to hold a hand over my right eye and close it. I stood in the operations queue for two hours. The atmosphere was high: St Francis of Assisi had made an appearance and thrown away someone's crutches, even though we were not supposed to look.

I should have known that healing entities don't mess around.

Finally, Joao the miracle healer, "incorporated" by the spirit of Dr Oswaldo Cruz, swung me around with solid, hairy arms and threw me into a plastic chair at the front of the stage. The whole of the Casa was going to witness my operation! I felt shame: St Francis had been laying into all sorts of terrible disabilities; there were swollen people groaning from tables and carers manoeuvering wheelchairs....and here was I wasting time and healing on a blob.

Firmly, the entity tipped my head back and gazed into my eyes.

The blue. The deepest blue. I was looking directly into the eyes of Spirit.

And then the eye gouge began.

A knife. Scraped deep into the surface of my eye. Yes, it was agony. I was sitting there in agony. I can't explain why I didn't run for the hills. My head didn't even twitch. It was the love I could feel in my heart. I'd just locked into those blue eyes and been connected into the compassion. The pain was there and not there too.

"I love you, I love you, I love you Spirit."

Twenty minutes later, I was pushed into the recovery room. People surged to ask questions: the operation had been witnessed by a group of visiting GPs. That was one of the longest eye operations ever! No - I was fine, thank you very much and knew that I had to go back to rest in my room....where I noticed that my blob was still there: what had all that been about?

When the entities visit you in the night to remove your stitches a few days after an operation, you have to go to bed in white and take a glass of water. That night I awoke to find myself sitting up in bed in my astral body. A silver hand appeared out of the air, surrounded by pink sparkles and plucked the blob off my eye. Painlessly.

There was also a little visit from five golden spheres of light - a visit that was all too short.

And in the morning my blob had disappeared.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Spirit."

I never got to see my grandmother but it's real. I know it's so difficult (or it is for me) but please try to open your hearts because it is real. These are just two of the magnificent experiences I received at the Casa de Dom Ignacio.

You might decide to visit if you are able: Joao is still at work. And they might help God take away your blobs.

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