What Happened in 1665, that Could Make You Happy Right Now?

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Our brains are wonderfully complex things, but what if there was some way we could get them under control...

Almost 400 years ago, in 1665, a Dutch physicist, Christiaan Huygens, has made a discovery that can be classified as revolutionary. When he left his laboratory one night, after a long day, filled with hard work and a lot of thinking, he left two pendulum clocks next to one another.

These two clocks had been set in motion by Huygens, and of course, they were not synchronized.

When he came back to the office the next morning, he observed that the two clocks had harmonized movements. They were swinging perfectly synchronized, back and forth, following the very same movement pattern.

This phenomenon is known as entrainment, and it seems very strange at first sight. This phenomenon is the process by which two nearby entities exchange tiny amounts of energy, to reach a balance and synchronization state. When two entities are un-synced, some kind of “negative feedback” is created, and this feedback will correct each entity’s dissonance until they become aligned on an energetical level.

When entrainment happens between two inorganic entities, like clocks or other mechanical systems (including electrical ones), this type of entrainment is called mechanical entrainment.

This process can also take place between two or more organic entities, and in this form, it is known as biological entrainment.


To better understand it in the organic life, let’s take a look at fireflies’ dance, a well-known ritual. Besides the beauty of this evening ritual, fireflies behavior holds important information about human brain potential.

If you spend some time observing fireflies, especially early in the evening, their lights turning on and off will seem a chaotic process.

After a while, this on and on switching process will take the shape of a pattern or a sequence. And afterwards, the longer you spend watching them, the more synchronized these fireflies’ bursts of light will become, and more and more fireflies will light up at the same time.


But how do fireflies and clocks relate to human happiness?

First of all, let’s take a look at how the brain works, especially to brainwaves. Each human state of mind has a specific brainwave pattern associated.

When we are happy, our brain has a particular brainwaves pattern; when we are focused, there is another pattern activated, when relaxed, another one, and so on for each of the human mental states.

Brainwave research allowed identification and duplication of most of these human brainwave patterns, using sound waves instead of electrical pulses.

How does entrainment exactly work for the human brain? If you are feeling, for example, unfocused, tired, foggy, the best solution to change this state of mind, would be to use biological entrainment.

This means that if you listen to soundwave patterns that resemble the mental clarity state, your brainwaves will sync with those you listen to and your mental state will change and also become clear.

For example, if you have to get your post written for Steemit and need focus and mind clarity, just listening to sound waves corresponding to these states of mind, will switch your current state to the desired one.

Just like fireflies synchronizing their light bursts, and the two clocks syncing their swinging movements, the human brain will also sync with the soundwaves you are listening to.


If you want to experience this for yourself, here is a selection of five brainwave shots, you can choose from for free, just to see how it works for you.

If you want them all, sign up with a different email for each ;)

Free Brainwave Shot

Power Nap

I just picked Euphoria and it sounds weird because it is a lot of white noise, as its essentially binaural beats, atmospheric music and bells in the background (for Euphoria, I've not listened to the other ones yet).

Although after listening, I can't claim to be in a completely euphoric state, however, my mood has significantly improved.

@hopehuggs <3

Note: Thumbnail picture and last picture from inspire3.com
Other pictures: Pixabay.com

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