Being a part of the awesome group of souls called #ecotrain, we answer a Question of the Week (QOTW) intermittently. The past two questions have been some incredibly astute reflections on the difficult to answer:
What is Patriarchy? (Click here to read @eco-alex's compilation post of all of our answers- really good stuff!)
What is Matriarchy? (Click here " ")
I highly recommend taking a look at these posts and giving the articles you feel attracted to a read!
This week's question seeks to go beyond this dichotomy and really allows us to use our imaginations.
Now that we have a better understanding of patriarchy and matriarchy, what is your ideal societal structure?
What is your ideal societal structure?
northern lights
Autonomous Co-Creative Bioregional Networks
Let's break it down.
According to autonomous is an adj meaning:
self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only.
pertaining to an autonomy, or a self-governing community.
By this we really mean self-governing...
In reality autonomous refers to many aspects of a human's existence, including their ability to guide and direct personal thoughts, actions, ideas and engagement with the external world. Autonomous people make their own choices and carve their own path, by definition they are in charge of themselves. When considering political, governmental, socioeconomic, and other inequalities, we can see that a large portion of society's members are not autonomous.
What it might look like if society was made up of autonomous individuals is very different than the current model of patriarchy and oppression. A society made up of non-autonomous beings breeds homogeneity not diversity, fragility not resiliency, conforming not expressing.
We envision a society full of diversity, resiliency and creative expression achieved through autonomous individuals co-creating with one another.
stronger together
Co-creation happens who two or more entities come together to produce a mutually-valued outcome. In this collaborative strategy, there is not one winner who is the hierarchical "top dog" who wins, amasses, and benefits from the decision-making, but multiple parties coming together to create the best solution for all.
This process involves deep listening, adaptation and fluidity and includes a healthy dose of cooperation. Co-creating is all about honoring the potential for symbiosis in relationships. It is about being engaged and connected with those around you. It all comes down to consensual and active participation in the creative process. In this model, there isn't a prescribed leadership strategy, but one that is adaptive and fluid, gauging the strengths and skills of the people involved.
You may be wondering how to implement these two seemingly intimate structures in such a large world. Here comes the next aspect...
According to wikipedia,
Bioregionalism is a political, cultural, and ecological system or set of views based on naturally defined areas called bioregions, similar to ecoregions. Bioregions are defined through physical and environmental features, including watershed boundaries and soil and terrain characteristics.
Another way to frame this concept is being place based. This ensures the unique nature and characteristics of different areas are integrated into society's structures. This means solutions, strategies and approaches to issues are all locally sourced and relevant. By reducing the scope of various societal structures, we essentially bring it "down to earth" and grow roots.
We make specific decisions together based on our locale, including the climate, resources and unique characteristics of our place. Spoiling one's nest, as humans have a bad habit of doing, becomes more difficult to do when we are actively engaged in collaborative place-based decisions. Throwing things "away" or dirtying the water becomes our own backyard and not that of someone else.
We become more intentional with our decisions and actions, ultimately leading to a more egalitarian and healthier world.
Microscopic Mycelium By Bob Blaylock - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Network is defined as:
A group or system of interconnected people or things.
Modeling a society after nature might look something like mycelium. The fungal realm is the unseen network that connects terrestrial ecosystems and ensures the resiliency and survival of multiple organisms. Fungi create a vast and complex network not only for their own benefit but for the benefit of the whole.
In doing so the communication and distribution of resources is enhanced and every member of the community has access to what it needs. Sounds like another win-win!
Does gender matter?
Obviously, we haven't even mentioned gender yet! That's because in the ideal healthiest world we can imagine, it doesn't matter! There are a lot of problems in the rigid gender roles that we've likely all grown up with. Sure they structure society and give people basic guidelines on how to act, but we think we can do better as humans! Let's be rid of the suffocating and constricting dichotomous gender classifications.
It really doesn't matter as we're all equal and brilliantly unique with our own skills and gifts to bring to the world!!
It is only when humans realize what a wonderful gift we have just being on this earth that we can truly start to be in alignment with the incredible opportunities that exist here. Antiquated forms of control from the existing "powers that be" must crumble as humans start to take their power back and thrive! We will settle for nothing less!
Only by exercising our powers of imagination, intuition and creativity can we create a healthier world. We are part of the evolution process and the universe is open to our input. We can dream a better future for future generations and it starts NOW!
What ways do you like to engage in creating a better world?
This post is written by a passenger of the #ecotrain. Check the tag often for more inspiring writings on creatively making a better world.
fashioned by the talented @ameliabartlett
banner made by the talented @soulturtle